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Ms. Garcia's Eye Surgery

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Our teacher Ms. Garcia is by far the best teacher we have ever had. She loves her students with all of her heart, and she does everything and anything she can to help us succeed not only in school, but also in life. She is always there if we need a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to our problems no matter how personal it gets. Unfortunately our teacher has been suffering with eye problems for awhile now. She was supposed to be getting surgery that would relieve her of her troubles, but sadly there are complications with the cost. It is now our turn to help Garcia. We are asking if you can please help this wonderful woman get the surgery she needs because she deserves the world and more. Every penny helps! Even if you can't contribute money, please share with everyone you know. Thank you! - Caitie Voss and Emilia Savage.                                                                                   Psalm 91:11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.


  • Jessica Castillo
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Caitlin Isabella Voss
Conroe, TX
Candida Garcia

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