Give Melissa wings for her Environmental Masters!
Donation protected
Yip yip yippee yaiyay!!!
Between your kind contributions and money from my astro and yoga work, I just paid another $1800 to this term's fees. Only $500 left to reach before 1 March, which is 10 days away.
I'm feeling confident and also reactivated on the mission, as my first class of term started last night with Climate Change and Environmental Management. Here's a great way to visually understand what's been happening with temperatures in your area of the world:
All hands on deck with love for the beauty and blessings of our home, eh?!
Much love and gratitude,
January 2024
I made it through my first Term and couldn’t have done it without y’all! For those of you just stepping into my return-to-uni story that link gives you the background that brought me here (which is also below when you scroll down). The main update is that I’m so grateful to be in this program and wonder why it didn’t occur to me earlier?! Dropping any regret though, and looking ahead, my next term starts 19 Feb with fees due 1 Mar so I’m once again asking for your support.
I’ve put in $2333 AUD already (from my astro work) and my total this term is $4547, leaving $2214 to generate in the next 6 weeks!
My course convenor meeting is in a few days and, hopefully, I’m on the right track with my class selections to set me up to focus on research in my 3rd and 4th terms. Although not required for the Masters, doing a minimum of 4 credits of research is necessary if I want to carry on for a PhD. At this stage I’m not sure, but I’d like to have that option. I tend to think big and it’s likely that what I have in mind for my master’s thesis is more like a PhD dissertation.
At the same time, I am aware of the urgency of getting all hands on Earth's deck to turn our prospects around asap, for both humans and all other living beings.
I’m currently doing a volunteer research project in the summer break (those of you in the north have to keep in mind we swap seasons!) that is a systematic review of 80-150 journal articles on the circular bioeconomy of water footprints in agriculture. 92% of water use by humans is for agriculture and after last term’s project on food waste I’m aware that in Australia 1 out of every 5 grocery bags each week per household (on average) is rubbished and 70% of that food is still edible. To get an idea of what that amounts to, the mountain of food waste annually is more than twice the size of the Sydney Opera House, as pictured here:
At this stage I don’t know the math, but simultaneously cutting back on food waste and being more careful with water accounting as we grow food seems wise and necessary.
What’s coming up in the Autumn term starting in a month (again, Season swap for you northerners!) are these beauties--click each to learn more:
On the personal side, I’m still rowing but may swap to another club which is closer, less expensive, and gets me on the water more often. Maybe I’ll even see a race in this next term! I have one kids yoga class and am orienting in to a studio to teach an adult class here or there. And I’m still assisting the online astro classes which is a great community, continuing education in this area for me, and a flexible work schedule that keeps good food on my table!
I’m also still dabbling in stand-up, when I can fit it in, and currently in search of a new acting agent here in Brisbane as the distance is too tricky for my Auckland agent anymore. Here is a recent headshot.
I’m super grateful that, all going well, 2024 sees me house and cat sitting between two homes close enough to uni to cycle in, so that’s a huge financial relief which aids my studies.
Any contributions you’re willing and able to make are going direct to my fees. I’ve been living simply for so long, which is wise on so many personal and ecological levels, and it also assists me in making the most of all that comes my way.
I’m so loving the wide diversity of classmates and the camaraderie that’s developing between us as we all learn how to do what we can for the love of Mama Earth. Between us we care for many lands, waters and critters. Pradnesh comes from Maharashtra, Ayantika from Bengal, Elvis from Peru, Rose from England/Indonesia, Windy and Finni from Indonesia, Chaowana from Thailand, Scott from Canada, Hilary from China, and many more I haven't met yet...
Finally, I love how being supported by you gives me greater impetus to share what I'm learning. If you missed any of those first term posts on my Substack here they are: 1st one, 2nd one, 3rd one, and last one. Signing up as a paid subscriber to my SS is another way to support and gives me the opportunity to offer back the weekly MYOGA Seasons sessions, which I've really been enjoying detailing and sharing with only those on "the inside" :).
May you and those you love (and those they love) be well. May all beings know peace.
May kindness reign.
July 2023
The short story:
After the recent shock of my brother's death, and after more than a year of looking worldwide for a job that aligns with my values, and at which I can make a significant impact, I applied for a Master of Environmental Management at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.
I'm delighted to share that I’ve been accepted! I begin the 2-year program on 24 July 2023.
I’m campaigning for financial support to cover tuition, board, and a vehicle to get around in. While I could take 10 years to complete this degree and fund it myself by working and studying part-time, I feel the urgency of a polluted world on fire. I would like to be of the greatest service, and as soon as possible. So I am asking you to support me, to support all of us.
I would love to have you travel alongside and learn with me by reading or listening to what I share on Substack at no cost other than your time and attention. If you have the means, you can subscribe for $6/month, $60/year, or a $108 Founding Subscription. Additionally, I certainly welcome larger donations to this GoFundMe campaign. I am enormously grateful for you and your support, whatever form it takes.
Before the longer story, here's a short video!
The longer story:
The U of Q internationally-ranked Master of Environmental Management program is one of the quickest entry points for this field without having a Bachelor of Science. I envision applying my 30+ year creative and healing arts background to build bridges between where we are now and a more desired future. Some key foundations of that future are the conservation of the essential biodiversity of our planet and the prioritization of cleanliness (we are killing ourselves and innocent others with our own refuse).
The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed.
I am keenly aware of the global imperative to shift our human priorities and operating systems within the next 10 years. Your support -- of any amount -- aids me in accelerating my capacity to do what I can for a renewable, regenerative, and reverent revolution.
I am a lifelong vegetarian, giving thanks and prayers daily for our many blessings. I prefer to shop from thrift stores, recycle, and waste little to live as sustainably and simply as possible. I’ve loved and championed the natural world ever since I can remember. As a teenager, I requested trees to plant for my birthdays rather than things. My first job in high school, after babysitting, was as an environmental canvasser. Although I did better in Biology than I did in English, I graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre.
After a few years working in the arts in the US, I headed overseas and found that my love of yoga could be shared anywhere so I became a certified teacher in 2002. I ran my own yoga studios in Barbados, Puerto Rico, and New Zealand from 2002 - 2014. In 2015 I put MYOGA Freedom teachings online. From 2014 - 2018 I had the great privilege to receive Ojibwe prayer songs for water, attend ecological activist training in Europe, as well as join indigenous-led water walks in the US. As a result, I incorporated ecological awareness into The Amazon Academy (2018 - 2020) and my stand-up comedy (since 2016).
I was born in Virginia, USA and hold dual citizenship with New Zealand. As an NZ citizen, this program will cost me only 8,400 AUD/year, however in 2021 I claimed insolvency and have had to start again from the very bottom. I'm looking at getting an e-bicycle and anticipate miscellaneous fees, so I've rounded the sum up to 11,000 AUD. I'll continue my online work as an assistant astrology teacher and will do some hours at the local organic food co-op. I've also been blessed to find a house/cat-sitting option that covers my housing for the remainder of the year.
Truth is, it's been rough times for so many. A true threshold between worlds. I have been hearing many people share that they feel helpless to make any real difference in improving our relationship with the environment.
Shouldn't we just be resigned to what-is?
I just turned 50.
Shouldn't I be ready to retire in a few years?
Who goes to grad school in an entirely new field at this age?
I do.
I am.
It’s now, or never.
I see a different future -- for myself, for the Earth, and for all its bio-diversified beauty.
I am a bridge between where we've been and where we can be.
Between what I've done and what I will be doing soon enough -- actively caring for the critters, plant life, and eco-systems we're rapidly driving to extinction.
I'm willing to Trust the Longer Journey
by planning for the long haul
and the long overdue overhaul.
Here you can read more on "Why I'm going back to uni at 50 (and how you can join me)."
And here you can subscribe to my monthly newsletter for free ways to join me online in breath, voice, body, mind and spirit.
Let’s travel together into a brave new world of beauty.
Melissa Billington
Ashgrove, QLD