Mark’s Fight
Support Mark in his battle with Cancer
In September 2017 my brother Mark was diagnosed
with colorectal cancer. Mark and his wife
Marie, had just had twin girls 3 months before this devastating news. Having waited 12 years for their precious babies they now faced another very challenging time.
Following a course of radiation and chemotherapy Mark underwent surgery to remove a
tumour in February 2018. Despite serious
post op infection and follow up chemotherapy he recovered well and they thought this terrible time was behind them.
Unfortunately in November 2018 during a routine oncology review, Mark was told that the cancer had spread to his liver. He faced months of severe chemotherapy and in May 2019 he underwent major liver surgery to remove the tumours.
As he was recovering, and thinking they could finally begin to enjoy life with their girls, they were hit with yet another recurrence of liver metastases in August of this year. He has endured so much surgery & chemotherapy and his treatment options are now limited. Throughout all of this, Mark has remained extremely positive and is determined to persist with all possible treatments to continue to be a loving and supportive husband and an amazing daddy to his girls.
We are asking for help to allow Mark to avail of new treatments. One is an Immunotherapy treatment called Dendritic Cell Therapy (DCT), which is not yet available in Ireland or the UK but we have found clinics in Spain and Germany, that can offer
treatment early next year. We will
continue to search for any other
treatments that could help Mark ,in
conjunction with standard
These treatments come at a high
cost but could give Mark a fighting
chance at beating this relentless
We never thought we would be in
this situation and it's difficult to put pride aside and ask for help, but if
you can, any donations would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
“Life is strange with it’s twists and
turns; as every one of us sometimes learns;
And many a failure comes about;
when he might have won had he
stuck it out;
So stick to the fight when you’re
hardest hit;
Its when things seem worst that
you must not quit”.