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GOD’S HAND MINISTRIES is GROWING and it’s Time to EXPAND . We have recently moved to our new location at 170 LEBANON TRADE CENTER in Lebanon, Ky and we are already outgrowing it!! PRAISE GOD!!! It’s time to open up the back part of our building expand our sanctuary put in a second children’s room and a men’s meeting room for IAMRECOVERED and add more bathrooms!!!!! Praise God We are super excited about what God is doing and how fast he is growing us here at our Worship Center and we invite you to be apart of it all by joining us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm or join us online at www.Godshandministries.org or on Facebook and by your generous donations!!! Every dollar you donate will go directly to the building fund and helping us grow!!! God bless you and your family and THANK YOU so so much in Jesus name AMEN

Tricia Carangan
Lebanon, KY
Gods Hand INC