Happiness Is Sharing
Hello, my name is Chanel and I am a wife, mom of two and Nutritionist. (nutriChanel )
I am fundraising for the Paediatric Unit and NICU at Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
My goal is to raise $5,000. This money will be used to purchase tangible items benefitting the patients, their guardians and the nurses who care for them.
Why tangible items?
When we donate to the hospital's foundation, the money typically goes to the areas that the hospital feels are of most need, which is great - but rarely does this mean that the money is helping the patients who are admitted to the hospital TODAY!
At the beginning of COVID-19, my - then 5-month old - daughter was admitted to the hospital with an infection. We had been back and forth to the hospital over the previous few weeks and on this, our third visit, we were unexpectedly admitted.
I am thankful that our stay was short, thankfully only four days, but for any parent, even an hour spent at the hospital with an unwell child is heartbreaking.
We were blessed to have the most incredible nurses caring for us. We were treated with so much love and care. This left a huge impact on our family and we wanted to give back in some way.
You can read more about our story in detail on my website linked here: nutriChanel
After being discharged and once finally settled back into our routine at home, we sent the nurses in the Paediatric unit Tim Hortons gift cards, we donated to The Southlake Foundation and we purchased and shipped a brand new leather recliner rocker to the room where we stayed to replace the wooden rocker that was there, to ensure that the next parent or guardian had a comfortable place to rest while caring for their sick child.
The hospital was very grateful and I know that the chair, although something so small, will give comfort to many in a time that is very stressful and scary.
This year, I want to do more. I want to ensure that the nurses feel appreciated, that the sick children in the hospital have a new toy or activity to distract them from their ailments and that the parents and guardians feel like a bit of weight can be lifted off of their shoulders, even for just a little while.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a short stay or get back to their normal routine. Some of these hospital stays turn out to be long and lifechanging. I want to do anything I can to help make a difference in the lives of anyone going through a difficult time with a sick child. Unfortunately, I cannot do this alone. I need your help. Your donation will go towards purchasing things like:
- a mini fridge for the NICU so that parents can keep food with them so that they don't have to leave their baby's side
- art supplies for the older patients, so that they have something to distract them and keep them busy
- new toys to comfort and distract the smaller patients and help them to grow and learn while in hospital
- gift cards for parents who don't always get hospital meals given to them, especially for long-term stays
- healthy snacks for the nurses, to energize them and keep them healthy so that they can offer the best care possible to the precious little ones in our community
These are just a few of the things the money will be going toward. The list of needs is endless and there is only so much time and money available to reach everywhere.
Please join me today in helping our local hospital, the nurses and ultimately the patients in their care by donating any amount you are able to - every bit makes a difference.
I am working hard to get the best prices possible so that the money can stretch as far as possible.
One exciting thing that has happened so far is that I called several food brands to ask for a discount on their pricing to order food for the nurses and the plant-based protein brand Vega sent me 33 boxes of protein bars, plus many other products, for absolutely FREE! These items are all going to the nurses to help keep them fueled and healthy while they work. What an amazing contribution!
Please, if you can, donate today.
If you can't, then please at least share this with everyone you know - someone else may be interested in helping.
If you have any contacts with companies who may be able to assist in this fundraiser, please reach out or pass on their information to me so that I can chat with them.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.