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Update: I filed a 60(b) motion for fraud on the court with the Western Division Federal District Court in Seattle before the statue of limitations ran out on 2-5-2019. This is after after denial of my extension to file a writ of certiorari with Justice Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court before he retired. Judge Coughnenour denied the motion and I immediately filed an appeal once again with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal in San Francisco, it was accepted the next day.

PeaceHealth St. Joseph's Hospital in Bellingham, Washington murdered my wife by telling Whatcom County responders she was DNR and husband was going to shoot them. When Gloria was in Peacehealth risk management employees forced her to sign a medical directive that authorized two doctors to initiate an illegal do not resuscitate order, "DNR", when she was drugged and incompetent, according to an eyewitness affidative, that's punishable for abetting suicide and murder. When she fainted two months later at home hospital security responders would not help us, fourty minutes later a whatcom county emergency responder brutally murdering her with a "puncture wound over her internal jugular vein", according to the UWMC autopsy. 

 Six or seven responders had turned and walked out, without mentioning a DNR or that I was accused of threatening to shoot them. I had to place my wife on the strecther myself, the first arriving two emt's tried but couldn't lift her up up off the chair. Once in the ambulance she didn't die for 35 minutes, despite responders claiming they witnessed her expire in the home and instead of going directly to the emergency room, only 20 minutes away, they sat in the driveway for 40 minutes and them claimed they administered CPR after they murdered her and half way to hospital, fifty minutes after they first arrived, alltogether taking 60 minutes to arrive. They covered up the puncture wound and never mentioned she had a PICC line that would completely eliminate any need for any puncture wound. Their "internal jugular vein puncture wound" contradicts the autopsy, while their run report only reports they did an intervenous in the EXTERNAL jugular vein, anyone knows they don't do intervenous in the neck, never imaging they'd be an autopsy. 

Death statute favors death over life, so washington state board of health turns it's back on violations which is an incentive to doctors and responders to kill a patient rather than heal them and face civil liability for pain and suffering or higher malpractice insurance costs. Ironically, if a person chooses to die by refusing resuscitation yet responders administer CPR and they survive by resuscitation, they have won in court from responders committing battery without informed consent and going against their wishes, yet here, no safeguards for a person who wanted to live with a directive for full resuscitation, they're dead and family's told they can't sue because Death with Dignity statutes eliminates criminal and civil liability. The statutes need to be revoked because they clearly cause confusion in those prescious few minutes when responders first arrive and refuses to help and promotes death by giving hospitals and doctors incentives to euthanize rather than heal for nefarious reasons.  How many could have lived had they not been euthanized after death statutes are enacted. Proponents of death with dignity even brag that once it's initiated nothing can stop it, families never find out their loved ones were murdered.

I didn't find out till two years after Gloria's death from the Bellingham Police that PeaceHealth put the  DNR on her life illegally and directed responders to kill her when they realized that Bellingham Police investigated and Detective Scanlon found the accusations were erroneous and they falsified the death threats. Hospital security and risk management quickly realized they not only could be sued for the death threats against the hospital but also caught initiating a false DNR, plus reporting falsely to UWMC that Gloria was in excruciating pain and dying from leukemia. In those few seconds, they could have told responders to help her, instead they murdered her but discovered the PICC line and knew they were caught, that's obviously the reason for the big argument and fight at the birch bay firehouse and why Chief Anderson quit and responders that walked out made up story husband gave them a hard time and saying they had to remove Mrs Brown.

Records were not available for two years regarding the death threats I allegedly made, they answered the haunting question why responders acted like they did, it infers whoever began the false rumors about death threats is guilty of murder as responder.

No law firms would help us get justice, now after five years I've learned why. UWMC placed a PICC line on Gloria's arm just two weeks earlier, with that in place, perspective lawyers and doctors reviewing medical records could see there was no reason for a puncture wound with it in place, it proves it was an intentional deadly wound, there could be no other reason. Lawyers never told me, they knew it would be difficult prosecuting emergency responders. That's what people are left with in a "Death with Dignity" state where doctors, hospitals and medical personnel are protected from civil and criminal liability, albeit not tested for murder.

Peacehealth never told us they had initiated Comfort Care double effect deadly drugs without informed consent, making it so Gloria couldn't move her legs or breath without oxygen. Gloria refused a DNR, yet they forced her to sign a medical directive authorizing an illegal DNR when she was drugged and incompetent without informed consent, later an eyewitness gave her affidative stating she witnessed hospital risk management employees force Gloria to sign the illegal medical directive RCW 70.122.030 which is a crime in itself and when forced is RCW 9A.36.060 for promoting a suicide attempt or RCW 9A.60.030 for obtaining a signature by deception or duress yet the board of health won't investigate. Illegally witnessing her signature, all crimes punishable by a charge of murder RCW 9A.32.030 for knowingly altering or causing life-sustaining treatment to be withheld or withdrawn and death hastened.  Chapter 70.122 RCW of the Natural Death Act contradicts homicide laws by supposedly removing criminal and civil liablity and getting close to making involuntary murder permissable when state fails to investigate, that is why I am challenging death statutes in washington state, they need to be revoked to save others from premature deaths.

The illegal DNR was initiated by risk management employees under the pretense it was a medical directive for full resusucitation, yet the defense is claiming the DNR never exists in sharp contrast to fact that PeaceHealth admitted it issued the DNR, that it is standard hospital procedure that two doctors can issue a DNR. Perhaps in another country but unless the law has changed, they are required to secure informed consent from a competent patient, anything else is murder.

Responders had no reason to be near that area of the neck, it would be absolutely redundant with a PICC line in place, according to authorities subclavian catherization is reserved for experienced doctors in a full equipped hospital in sterile conditions, absolutely not performed by inexperienced responders in the back of an ambulance on what was supposed to be a twenty minute trip yet took over a hour. Responders never mentioned the internal jugular vein in their run report, despite the UWMC autopsy reporting a "puncture wound over the internal jugular vein" they hid the fact they murdered her and tried to cover it up by claiming they initiated an IV "intravenous on the external jugular vein". External and internal jugular veins are two distinct and different areas, the external jugular vein is on the surface, the internal jugular vein is deep, next to the carotid and very dangerous to go near, there was no reason ever for an emt to go near, let alone puncture the IJV, again with the PICC in place, a second central line would be redundant and only proves puncture wound was an intentional mortal wound. 

It began with us going to see a Doctor Jennie Crews, she told Gloria she would die if she didn't take one hydrea a day and hid the fact her blood counts went up as a result of the infection, to make it appear it was caused by not following her directions. Gloria self medicated for thirty years and oncologists in california told her to keep doing what she was doing, gloria knew from experience if she took one hydrea a day she'd bleed out as she did once accidently and I told the doctor that she wouldn't do that, Crews reported me to APS. Meanwhile, Peacehealth Wound center had caused Gloria an infection after debriding a quarter size wound on her lower leg to supposedly make it heal faster. Doctor Sury changed the wound center prescription from keflex to cipro which immediately made it so she could not walk, it attacked her tendons, made her legs swell and made her very sick to her stomach. We went to the hospital for something for her stomach pain because gloria didn't want to go to Crews, she called her vindictive. The ER tried to get Gloria to agree to a DNR which she refused, a Dr. Bree Johnston, not an oncologist but palliative care doctor, refused to take no for an answer and boldly stated in the medical record the families beliefs were strange, that she'd come back when Gloria was thinking straight. Three days later they committed a criminal act and forced us by lying and telling us a medical directive was for full resuscitation as we asked for. They tricked me into returning to the businees office and they knocked her out with opiates. I found her in a room looking as though she was beat up. The nurses starting in saying she was in excruciating pain and dying. Without advising us of their plan, they began comfort care that I discovered later is part of the double effect euthanasia slippery slope agenda, it's claimed that once it's initiated nothing can stop it until they kill the person. Without telling us what they were injecting they admnistered deadly steroids and fluorides dexamethasone, predisone, levaquin, cipro and morphine that made it so she couldn't walk or breath without 24 hour oxygen. 

Several days later risk management employees came in with a medical directive for full resuscitation which I requested. I was told I could not sign because I was a spouse. Never dreaming it had anything to do with a DNR I didn't pay to much attention in fact I trusted the woman because it appeared she was doing us a favor by getting the papers together so fast for full resuscitation which I appreciated, meanwhile everyone was told to stand in the hall as they moved furniture into the room. By the time I learned from the eyewitness that she saw them actually force Gloria to sign it, it suddenly made sense now that the reason for forcing the medical directive was because it was not only for full resuscitation but was primarily to allow doctors to initiate a DNR without informed consent, I had been tricked, it was illegal in many ways, it was for life or death decisions, and having power of attorney, they had to know I should have been involved in those decisions.

They created a state of confusion at the same time, a dozen people came in all at once, everything in the room was moved down the hallway to another room, even the bed and furniture. A friend of Gloria's witnessed gloria was drugged and incompetent and forced to sign by risk management employees, according to the eyewitness affidavit.  

A woman hospital director told me I'd never take my wife out of the hospital alive, a doctor told gloria he would not change the bandage on her leg wound because she was going to die so it wouldn't make any difference, I told him to get out and not come back, he said he'd call hospital security if I changed the wound, I changed it and they called security who stood outside our room for an hour. When they wouldn't stop or tell us what they were administering we demanded to leave against medical advise. I took my wife to UWMC, they did their own tests and Dr. Tonnelli of their ethics committee discovered Gloria was not in excruciating pain or transferred over to leukemia as they were told by St. Josephs, that meant all the deadly regiment of comfort care drugs for excruciating pain that PeaceHealth administered to her without informed consent was all completely unnecessary, without those double effect comfort care drugs and the DNR and the murderous emt's, my wife would still be alive and able to walk and breath without 24 hour oxygen.

Gloria asked to sign a medical directive at UWMC for full resuscitation and doctors recognized she greatly improved and was competent to make her own decisions yet the state registry for updating a DNR for the new directive apparently was never updated or responders never bothered to check. Irregardless whatcom responders had an obligation to help gloria, the state EMT Association told me that the only way they cannot help a person is if there is a POLST form, in fact they said to go after them, they only save lives, they don't murder people. The state legislators, state board of health, Attorney General's and Governor's office, the whatcom medical examiner, the doctor who signed her death certificate police and prosecutor should be investigating this crime, they all refuse. They're condoning murder and not protecting the sanctity of life when there's prima facie evidence laws and statutes have clearly been broken.

For years,  proponents of Death with Dignity claimed this could never happen with the numerous layers of informed consent safeguards in place. People are supposed to be protected from injuries resulting from health care RCW7.70.030/050.  Death with Dignity and Natural Death Acts RCW 70.122 state it requires  informed consent from a competent patient or a designated proxy. Common sense dictates only a competent patient can commit doctor assisted suicide by agreeing to sign a medical directive acknowledging they understand two doctors will assign a DNR to not be resuscitated or give them a drug to self administer to kill themselves. The procedure requires a "competent" patient to give their informed consent before two doctors can issue a DNR (do not resuscitate order) on their life. Here, the two doctors never told us they initiated the DNR, only finding out about it two years after my wife's murder from the Bellingham Police. It immediately answered the questions in my mind why the responders did nothing to help my wife and turned and walked out, not helping her. I filed a civil complaint with criminal and civil causes of action in Whatcom County Superior Court and filed a motion for summary judgement allegeding facts, along with the eyewitness affidavit and a whatcom superior court judge refused to consider the facts and merits of the case, dismissed it. Case was appealled to Washington state Supreme Court which dismmissed the case without considering a summary judgement motion. First and Fifth Constitutional amendments that protect life and civil rights causes of action under the color of law were infringed, husband filed a complaint against four defendants, case was filed in Seattle Westen District Court, whereby it was also dismissed and appeal with the Ninth District Court of Appeals is ongoing with respondents reply to appellants opening brief has been extended by the Court to May 1, 2017.

Washington State is not protecting the sanctity of life by allowing RCW7.70.060(5) to remove criminal and civil punishment for causing injury or death by contradicting long standing protections against greed, collusion and other nefarious actions. Proponents of Death Statutes repeatedly claim erroneously people do not have to worry since there are multitudes of safeguards and levels of mandatory informed consent rules in place to prevent mistakes or intentional murder. This case can overturn death statutes since Glucksberg stated they'd have to look at euthanasia again if one case of involuntary euthanasia was reported when statutes allowing voluntary euthanasia were in place.

Death statutes in Washington state should be found unconstitutional, they allow staututory civils law to contradict criminal laws in both the United States and Canada that read "no one can agree to have death inflicted upon them", this case shows there's way too much wiggle room for criminal mischief. High Court decisions from other countries and provinces, Ireland, England and the Europen Court of Human Rights are deciding against assisted suicide, agreeing death statutes conflict with criminal laws. Yet, Washington RCW 7.70.050 still maintain the major safeguard is failure to secure informed consent, that it shall be necessary element of proof injury resulted from health care in a civil negligence case, yet doesn't elaborate on criminality, instead sending a mixed bag interpretation to ill-informed doctors and hospitals that murder can be excused, that's also dangerously misleading for the public. 

Despite stating this in my complaint, Whatcom County Superior Court decided plaintiff failed to demonstrate a cause of action and did not have standing, dismissing the case on a timeliness issue and procedural error 12 (b)(6)(5). The court failed to rule on my summary judgement that I filed twice, alleging and proving what St. Josephs did to my wife was not just against medical ethics but illegal and punishable with murder. Whatcom county Superior court avoided the statutory issues and dismissed knowing Whatcom County did not have clean hands. Laws were broken, only hypothetical sets of facts that can be adjudged by a jury are necessary to allow it to go before a jury.

Bottom line, court or legislators should find these laws so disgusting they'll overturn Death with Dignity and Natural Death Acts forever. PeaceHealth Hospital risk management department learned to manipulate comfort care and death panels to circumvent informed consent using illegal witnesses and false DNR's. This case could save future lives that shuldn't be lost ahead of their time and be deterrent to those who take advantage of statutes to cover mischief and nefarious acts to avoid liability andinstead of following law, using it as no cost malpractice insurance. If our country allows this to continue we'll go down in history as the greatest nation who destroyed itself from within with euthanasia voted in by it's own people. The Pope gets a million dollars on each person's corporate name when they die yet goes around preaching falsely to the world that americans stopped trusting in God, an obvious slur to our Founders Constitution, twisting the truth by claiming it is our chose every person has not to believe in false doctrine over God's word, and to Choose Life over Death. Deuteronomy 30:19, yet choosing not to  respond to my summons. 

This case is the end day's version of the four horsemen, an ultimate demonstration of the anticipated switch from voluntary euthanasia to involuntary euthanasia warned about years ago by preachers and opponents of euthanasia. This would be a first impression case in Washington state where there's proof the patient wanted to live yet was deliberately overriden by a hospital and emergency responders who comitted murder.  Killing a competent person without securing informed consent with an illegal DNR malisciously fabricated when the patient was incompetent, then using the false medical directive to justify allowing two doctors, who never examined her, to issue a Do Not Resuscitate Order, that two months later hastened her death and took away her lost chance to live is plain murder. The hospital falsely accused the husband of making death threats to hospital employees and responders, a scenario of unspeakable magnitude, committed by both county and hospital employees with deliberate disregard to human life and statutory laws, with complete disrespect of common law and the sanctity of life.

A case as flagrant and shocking to the conscience as this, should create a new category of criminal and civil medical malpractice called "medical assisted murder". If a party alleges and proves facts that the defendant either hastened death with involuntary euthanasia or failed to secure informed consent, or aided or abetted a suicide or killed with comfort care or DNR, it's murder. We need to erase the catholic torture chamber excuse called "double effect", out of state law that's straight out of the Middle Ages that's been killing millions with comfort care regiments of deadly chemicals doing one thing mainly, crippling the patient and destroying their ability to breath, either way the patient can then be easily euthanized by dehydration or by a junior nurse adjusting the flow or drip of the alleged medication or oxygen or a responder's puncture wound. States should have to be held legally responsible for death statutes that no longer protect the sanctity of life or it's citizens.

I've requested an investigation from the FBI, State Board of Health, the Governor's office and Whatcom County Prosecutor's Office and medical examiner, the only one to help was the  Bellingham Police, who without their help I'd never have known of the DNR. The case has been appealed to the Washington State Supreme Court and set on the Deputy Clerk's motion Calendar on January 29, 2016. Case number is 15-2-01466-4, e-mail is [email redacted].gov and Washington Supreme Court dismissed case, a complaint was filed with the Ninth District Federal Court in Seattle, Judge Coughnoeur dismissed it on Oct 28, 2016, one day before he could warrant or deny my summary judgement motion.

Husband appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, an extention was approved till February 28, 2017 for my Opening Brief. After brief is timely filed, respondents have 30 days and appellant has 14 days to reply. Appellant filed opening brief on March 28, 2017, there have been a couple of extensions, defendants have until May 5th to respond to my (appellants) opening brief. Appellant has asked Court of Appeals to find the District Court erred by not finding plausible facts proving fraud and concealment by Peacehealth and send the case back to District Court for trial or cert the case to the U.S, Supreme Court on the question whether a person can be involuntarily murdered under color of state death statutes.

Court knows it's a substantial issue of importance to everyone and see a favorable ruling to defend life won't necessarily stop death with dignity, perhaps they want to see the U.S. Supreme Court rule at shutting down groups promoting death and euthanasia once and for all, they're lots of things going on in the country the average person doesn't realize, the truth has been revealed if you want to look for it,  everything we've come to believe is a scheme just like abortion and cancer, we've been tricked using the word "choice" by foreign jurisdictions that have always hated what the united states stood for, we've been ruling under sea jurisdiction called the United States of America INC, for 200 years, with headquarters in the District of Columbia, Washington, the Crown Bar in London, England and the Vatican by Pope Francis, what is happening today is no different than what during the holocaust in the medical field when hitler and mengele experimented and murdered millions of people, nazi's used germans, who were naive and affluent like us, convinced them their distorted view of eugenics was going to better the world. 

I asked the state for an injunction on both Death with Dignity and Natural Death Acts to stop killing under the color of state law in Washington State, that I'd settle without a penny, they should be on my side, yet refuse to admit the state has culpability for enacting death statutes despite them knowing it's a scheme to kill for nefarious reasons, we need to expose this evil. In 1997, the Supreme Court in Glucksberg said; "one life to loose to involuntary euthanasia, when a state has statutes legalizing voluntary euthanasia, is one life too many, the law would have to be reviewed." 

God Bless.
Bobby Brown
In loving respect of my beautiful wife, Gloria Jean Brown

[email redacted]
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and get justice for our loved ones.



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  • Anonymous
    • $40
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Bobby Brown
Birch Bay, WA

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