A Time to Heal. To Write. To Serve
It is with deep gratitude and a deep bow that I celebrate all of you for donating over $12,000 in just 5 months time to my Squishing Squamous Go Fund Me. Because of YOU (and Ian and Joan Dwyer for setting this up to begin with), I have had the funds to cover the MANY co-pays for hospital and Dr. office visits, medications and treatments as well as be prepared for those unexpected, year-later, medical expenses. In addition, your donations have helped me purchase my home fuel for the winter months ahead and pay my monthly utility bills.
Finding myself on the other side of treatment, I am truly immersed in the work of recovery. Rebuilding my life. Redefining my “work”. While I know I will return to teaching yoga, serving God at St Andrew’s and singing, realistically that may not be for another 6 months to a year (based on realistic advice from my doctors and my body's wisdom). Hopefully it will happen sooner than this! And when it does, I do not know what it will look like. What I do know right now is this - I am being called To Heal. To Write. To Serve.
Yes, I will be resting into the cosmic cushion and recreating my practice - both physical and spiritual - as I heal. Yes, I will be writing a book! which will include this material and more that has been created and filed away over the years. Yes, I will be exploring pastoral care and other support positions, finding a way to be there for others (including patients and their doctors) whether they’re going through a cancer diagnosis or struggling with another one of life’s curve balls.
If you feel so moved to support me during this phase and beyond, the Go Fund Me will remain open. Any donations, no matter how small or big, would be greatly appreciated! But please do not feel obligated to donate. You can also support me by visiting and/or sharing my Caring Bridge page and sharing your love whenever you are able!
With Love and Gratitude,
Note: In 2021, I intend to shift my Caring Bridge page over to my own personal website or blog. If you'd like to continue to follow me, please email me at [email redacted] to be placed on my mailing list. Thanks!