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Heart Disease Staying In Truck Keep Warm Fund

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Hello, I'm David and I have not fundraised before, and I wish I did not have to now, but I could use some crowd assistance from kind folks at this point in my difficult situation. I am currently staying in my truck in very cold Central Oregon, I have been doing that since last Summer. I have painful arthritis in both knees, at 67 I guess that is common. I was hospitalized over Halloween for seven nights for the same thing I was previously hospitalized for nine nights on initial diagnosis 24 months ago: heart failure and constant Atrial Fibrillation, aka AFIB. I tried to stay out of the hospital but by late October the cardio folks, who had been trying to get me into the ER here since late Summer, said now or get a new cardio doc and team. So I reluctantly complied. My previous hospitalization caused over $60,000 in uninsured medical debt, and decimated my savings after my unwanted divorce.

I was reluctant to be hospitalized because I have been trying to save my family's history as told in photos, albums, cards, ancestor's bibles and letters, military records, and multi-generational things that were put into storage during the pandemic Summer of 2020, following my divorce and separation from my partner and wife of 32 years, and some resulting isolation from my small family consisting only of my two step-daughters, and three adult children. I have been working on this alone, in too-hot or cold storage spaces, since last June, in poor health, staying first in motels and then my truck to save money since July. I have only partially succeeded and now some things are soon to be auctioned.

I need help with gas money to stay warm (am trying to not use any shelter beds others need more than I here), keep a phone line, keep a UPS store mailing address, and to try if I can, to regain access to my family's precious things before some are lost after January 1st and later, also. The things I have been trying to save for my children are family photos and treasures and things anyone would try to save from a house fire or approaching hurricane, my parents died long before my kids were born, and these items are rightfully theirs to learn about their ancestors and history, but for complicated reasons, it was left to me to find and save them.

On Thanksgiving Day morning, my truck's water pump destroyed itself, requiring three nights in a hotel and other expenses I had planned on using for storage rental payments, and very recently my backpack was stolen with my only truck key and remote, from a city-owned pool facility I use but must pay for, for staying cleaned up.

There is more, but that is the current outline of bad luck, illnesses, and unfortunate events that have brought me here, depressed, isolated, and needing some help if anyone can find some for me. Sorry, this all is a mess, thinking about myself causes deep spiraling depression, so I have instead tried to focus on doing the right thing for my children, not on me because it is then an existential fight I, amazingly so far, have overcome until now.

Thank you for reading this, any assistance is very needed, and highly appreciated.

May the wind be always at your back in the New Year for yourself and those you love...


  • Anónimo
    • 100 $
    • 1 mes
  • Anónimo
    • 300 $
    • 1 mes
  • Anónimo
    • 250 $
    • 1 mes
  • Anónimo
    • 200 $
    • 3 meses
  • Sunwyn Ravenwood
    • 5 $
    • 3 meses


David Poboisk
Bend, OR

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