Help Give James Blunt a LIFE Sentence
Help Give Jimmy Blunt a LIFE Sentence
Dear family, friends, and acquaintances,
In mid-May I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, metastasized to the
colon and liver.
This was shocking news as I was totally asymptomatic and was working gainfully
and energetically as co-owner and operating partner at a start-up inn in historic Warrenton, VA. My life was healthy, engaging, enjoyable, and rewarding, as has been my fortune all along.
Late-stage pancreatic cancer ranks among the top three deadliest cancers with only 6% survivor rate beyond 12 months from diagnosis.
Stories of complete remission are rare but not unknown (hang in there Alex Trebek!). The sober
truth is there's an 85% chance that late-stage pancreatic cancer, even after a lengthy period of
full remission, will mutate and return even more aggressively and deadly than before.
At stage 4, any cancer generally can be treated only with chemotherapy. It's too advanced and
enmeshed with vital organs and blood vessels and arteries for surgery or even laser-guided
radiation to be effective.
The physical depredations of chemo are well documented...lethargy, fevers, acid-reflux, aches,
nausea, hair loss, and, worst of all, the wrecking of a functional immune system to protect the
cancer patient from contracting viral and bacterial infections, and even other serious diseases.
I have suffered three potentially lethal infections in the past two months. Each was serious
enough to require intensive care hospitalization for from 3-6 days.
It’s true that today’s traditional oncologists are succeeding in using different chemical
formulations to reduce the size of tumors (in my case 35% after only three infusions!) but these
chemical "cocktails" only kill regular cancer cells - the rapidly proliferating ones that form the
bulk of malignant tumors and that spin off metastatically into the blood and lymph systems to
find new organs in which to live and grow.
The reason for the high rate of recidivism with pancreatic and other aggressive late-stage
cancers is that chemotherapy so far has proven to be incapable of reaching and killing
CANCER STEM CELLS. These are the mother ships that generate the tumor-forming, deadly
cancer cells. If you can starve the stem cells, you can kill the cancer.
Fortunately for me and others in these dire circumstances, there are new and rapidly
emerging adjunctive therapeutic cancer protocols that are gaining public awareness and
acceptance, and growing active support among traditional oncologists all around the
Also known as as integrative medicine, these protocols are METABOLIC in nature. (Chemotherapy is genomic.) They alter one’s metabolism in order to starve and kill cancer stem cells
wherever in the body they may lurk.
My reason for launching this fund-raising campaign is to embark on a long term
metabolic therapy, customized to my pancreatic cancer, that will initially take its place along side of chemotherapy. Over a period of 2-4 months on this tandem program I should be able gradually to reduce the quantity and frequency of chemo infusions. After 6 months my goal is to eliminate entirely these caustic, barbaric, and indiscriminately destructive chemicals.
The multifaceted metabolic protocol consists of 4 pillars:
♠️ Off-patent and repurposed anti-cancer drugs, FDA-approved, high human tolerance proven
♥️ Strict diet and nutritional guidelines
♣️ Twice weekly infusions of liquid Vitamin C
♦️Selected natural supplements
These will all combine to help restore my immune system to fighting trim and effectively block and choke off key nutritional pathways to the cancer stem cells. Thus they begin starving to
death. As this happens, I will begin to feel healthy and hale again as the tumors become
toothless and vanish.
I launched this GoFundMe campaign because, while my multiple medical insurances cover 100% of conventional cancer consultations, treatments, hospitalization, testing, chemotherapy
and related meds, the integrative medical consultations and components are not covered by any
insurance programs.
From a preliminary consultation with the doctor and his clinic's staff, I was able to
estimate 6-month costs for the clinic's multipart services, consisting of:
- Initial Intake Evaluation with the head oncologist ($$)
- Quarterly Consultations with the oncologist ($)
- Strict Nutrition Plan ($$)
- Recommended and prescribed off-patent and repurposed FDA-approved drugs ($)
- Recommended natural supplements ($$)
- Weekly infusions of liquid Vitamin C ($$$$)
The approximate cost for everything in the next six months comes to around $10,000. At that
point in time I will assess where I am on the recovery curve and proceed accordingly with new
funding, reduced to cover the lower costs of a maintenance regimen.
My single-minded objective is to use integrative therapy not merely to eke out a few extra
months of life as is my only hope with chemo alone, but, rather, convert my terminal cancer
into a long-term, manageable chronic disease much like diabetes, or like HIV has become.
I can LIVE with that!
Thanks for hearing me out. Time is of the essence! My family medical history going
back 3 generations is cancer-free. I summarily REJECT my cancer and its
customary death sentence. I scoff at it! By rights and genetics I should have 20-25 good
years ahead of me. And I WILL have those years, you can bet your bottom dollar.
Any contribution you can give, regardless of the amount, will be gratefully received. If you choose to not fund my campaign I will respect your decision and our cordial relationship will continue
unchanged. I will provide all benefactors with timely updates on my progress. If so inclined,
please do consider posting my Go Fund Me link on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, and/or forwarding it selectively to those close friends in your private network whom you
believe may want to chip in.
Feel free to call or write or visit me anytime. I would love to hear from you.
Thank you!
James R. Blunt, Jr.
410 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041
[email redacted]
Cell [phone redacted]