Every Penny Counts: Help Taha&Farah Find Safety &Love Again
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From Wedding Bells to Sirens: A Love Story Redefining "Happily Ever After"
Imagine planning your dream wedding, building a life brick by loving brick, only to have it all vanish in the blink of an eye.

That's our story:
We were counting down the days, crafting a future filled with laughter and shared dreams. Our little home, built with sweat, love, and endless hope, stood as a testament to our unwavering bond. But on October 20th, 2023, the melody of wedding bells was replaced by the wail of sirens. War ripped through our world, forcing us to flee with nothing but the clothes on our backs.war relief, escape war, refugee support

Each day became a new battle. Jobs lost, community shattered, and the final, crushing blow a fire engulfing the remaining pieces of our dream. Today, love remains our only anchor, but it's not enough. Our life hangs in the balance, with a price tag of $5,000 to $10,000. refugee fundraising, GoFundMe for war refugees
Your contribution, no matter the size, will be a lifeline. It will allow us to escape this war-torn landscape and forge a new beginning in a safe haven. Imagine a chance to rebuild, to create a love nest brimming with hope, and finally write the "Happily Ever After" we deserve. war escape fund, refugee resettlement
The goal I have set is to cover the costs of rescuing my family from death, providing care and treatment of my family, and covering living expenses as follows:
- The cost of coordinating Taha travel to Egypt: $6000
- The cost of coordinating Farah travel to Egypt: $6000
- Living expenses including rent, all services, food, drink, school expenses, and all my family for six months at least when they arrive Egypt will be more than 12000$ .
But if the crossing and border is closed at any moment and remains closed, we will not be able to get them out , so if that happen the funds will not be used in evacuation and these funds will be used to survive their life and to get foods, shelters, water, and medicine , clothes and other basic and necessary needs for my family. Your donations will be used to help them to be alive .
This isn't just about survival; it's about rewriting our love story. With your compassion, we can transform this agonizing chapter into a testament to love's enduring strength. Donate today, and be a co-author in crafting a new beginning for us. Together, let's rewrite the ending.
فرح وطه قصة عروسين لم يصبحوا كذلك
تخيل أنك تخطط وتختار كل التفاصيل السعيدة،صغيرةً وكبيرة بكل شغفٍ وحب لحفل زفاف أحلامك، وبناء حياة مليئة بالحب اللامتناهي ، وفي غمضة عين يختفي كل شيء .
كنا نعد الأيام لنتوج حبنا ونصنع مستقبلاً مليئاً بالأحلام المشتركة في بيتنا الصغير ،وفي ال20 من أكتوبر لعام 2023 استبدل لحن ومراسم الزفاف إلى كابوس.وذهب حلم حفل الزفاف ليصبح واقع الفرار والنجاة من هذه الحرب ،وفقدان البيت،ودمار الأثاث، وفقدان العمل وفي لحظة تجتاح النار الأجزاء المتبقية من حلمنا ولم يتبقى لنا سوى بعضنا البعض وحبنا هو المرساة الوحيدة لنا.
الأمر لا يتعلق بالتبرع فقط ؛بل بإعادة كتابة قصة حبنا بتعاطفكم يمكننا تحويل هذا الفصل المؤلم لشهادةً على قوةِ الحب الدائم.فليكن لك سهم في التبرع وكن مؤلفاً ومشاركاً في كتابة بداية جديدة لنا. معاً دعونا نعيد كتابة النهاية.

Fundraising team (3)

Taha Wael Qandeel
Plainsboro, NJ
Julia Nett
Farah Taha
Team member