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Help refugee family unite in Canada

Thanks to those of you who helped a brave, at-risk freethinker and human rights activist, Ahmed Mustafa Kanjoo, to resettle to Canada. We are now raising funds to help bring his wife and 2 kids to join him there.

Ahmed fled Pakistan in spring 2021 when threatened by religious extremists who've killed many others like him. He went to a country that doesn't allow refugees to stay there, so he had to resettle elsewhere. He was quickly recognized as a refugee by the UN, so he was eligible to resettle elsewhere, and the funds that you all donated helped him do that. I helped Ahmed to complete and submit several humanitarian visa applications, and Canada approved his. Now Ahmed seeks to reunite with his family there. A few human rights groups are also helping Ahmed, and generous people like you are contributing what they can. So we can and will get Ahmed's family resettled!

We're hoping that many of you can donate around $10-25 US (in whatever currency you use), and that those of you who are very fortunate and able to give more might donate $100 or even $1000. Whatever you can do will help add up with what everyone else gives. So thank you, one and all!

I'm Ahmed's friend, Binyamin Biber, the Humanist chaplain at American University (AU) in Washington, DC, and to help Ahmed I've set up a new Aid and Advocacy Program account for the Humanist Chaplaincy at AU, and linked it to this GoFundMe page so his friends and allies can donate funds for his resettlement. 

Ahmed was the spokesperson of an ethnic minority rights party in Pakistan, and was abducted by military intelligence forces immediately after he publicly criticized the military for its excessive and unnecessary spending while other urgent social needs in Pakistan remain underfunded. To make a long story short, his case was raised in the Pakistani Senate, courts, and media, and his captors learned that he no longer practices any religion. So they then publicly labeled him as a blasphemer and apostate so that religious extremists would kill him once they released him. Fortunately, he learned of this plot against him, and escaped the country. He also reached out to me and I agreed to help him.

Please give whatever you can afford to assist this courageous human rights activist and freethinker to go to a new nation where he can thrive and continue his good work.

The Humanist Chaplaincy at AU is a chapter of the American Humanist Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in DC, so US donations are tax-exempt. International friends and allies, please check tax laws where you live about any such tax exemptions. If you want a donation acknowledgment letter and GoFundMe doesn't provide you one automatically, please email me to get one: [email redactado]. Thanks in advance for stepping up to help Ahmed, and for defending a refugee who was at-risk of being killed by religious extremists, who now still harass his family whom we seek to resettle.


Binyamin Biber
Silver Spring, MD
American Humanist Association (Humanist Chaplaincy At American Uni)

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