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Help Kevin “Racks” Roster Raise Sarcoma awareness

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As many of you know I have made the decision to go public with my terminal disease. With a prognosis of just weeks left to live I have moved to California to check living in Cali off my bucket list and have access to medical aid in dying. I have given interviews in TV and print opening up the end Of my life to the world.

I am playing in the WSOP wearing my sarcoma cancer awareness gear hoping to run deep enough to reach millions of people. I have given most of my money to my family for after my demise.

 The costs have been steep and my personal savings is being rapidly depleted. If you can afford it please help with my Campaign and support raising Sarcoma awareness I would appreciate it greatly.

with weeks left to live if my efforts can save even one life then it was worth it. 

Please share my story! 



KEVIN Roster
Rancho Cordova, CA

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