Help save Buddy the duck!
Donation protected
Here is the summary.
My duck Buddy is hurt and I’ve spent $4,700 in 6 weeks. I need to keep him at the vet so he can recover and I can’t afford it. He continues to get his bad hock reinjured because I work. He has a systemic fungal infection, bumblefoot on his good jock, and a chest wound that has been stitched twice. I am deeply attached to him, and with a few more weeks at the vet. He will be able to come home. I don’t want to put him down.
Here are the details:
Buddy is a special duck with a will to live. Last year I came home from work to find my partner, Neil, and my nephew, Justin, digging a hole in the ground to bury Buddy who was on death’s door step. Duffy, Short for Duffus, short for Asshole, tried to drown Buddy in the pond. They pecked at his bill and his eyes were swollen shut. Buddy reared his head and quacked, “I’m not dead Jim”. So I brought Buddy into the bathtub and he was blinded by the swelling. I cared for Buddy. With fermented coconut oil, 5 days later, the scabs came off his eyelids and he could see again! Buddy recovered! I had a second coop for Buddy as I didn’t want him with the other ducks who might try and kill him again. I brought him a girlfriend, Blanca, from the other coop. Blanca’s neck was rustled and scarred from repeated raping from having too many males in her coop. Blanca, such a beautiful Peking girl. They were a happy couple.
Buddy and Blanca below

Buddy started to limp about 3 months ago. His limp became more and more severe. I gave him anti-inflammatory medicine that i had left over from my other duck, Lucy. He seemed to improve for a while, until i started to free range the ducks when we had breaks in the all the rain we have experienced this past winter. He would do his best to keep up with the other ducks, but eventually, Buddy's leg got so bad, he had to use his wings to drag himself around. Meanwhile, Duffy moved in on Blanca, and won her love. About 6 weeks ago, i came home to find Buddy in the bushes hanging out near the coop solo. By nightfall he was still in the bushes, so i went to help him when i realized that he had a puncture wound on his chest which was all scraped up, and his leg was severely swollen and hot to the touch. Again, I brought him into the house and isolated him with special care.

One week later, Blanca was taken by a Bob cat in the late morning. Poor Buddy lost his mate. I have spent a lot of time with Buddy as i realize that in order for any being to heal, they need love and care. I have grown very close to Buddy through this process, and I want to help him. He is still very strong and not at all dying. He clearly has a will to live, and I clearly have a huge heart to help him.
Buddy Meeting Violet at the Center for the Birds below:

Since Blanca was taken, a friend wrote to me asking if i would adopt her female Peking, Darlene, who trips over her own feet and falls over sometimes. I happily adopted Darlene, and Buddy has been so happy to have a female companion.
Buddy and Darlene below:

I was able to find the most amazing bird vet, Dr. Fern Van Sant in San Jose. Buddy started on anti-biotics and had two separate procedures to clean up and stitch his chest wound. Buddy wears a tee shirt to protect the stitches on his chest. Since he cannot walk, the pressure on his chest is an issue for healing his wound. He has been in the hospital a few times so they can keep him stable while his chest is healing and the infection sub-siding. My daily routine is a morning or evening bath with medicines given morning and night. It turns out that Buddy has a systemic fungal infection so he is also on anti-fungal medication. He then developed a Bumble Foot on his good hock. Bumble Foot is like a bed sore and is very painful. I am treating the bumble foot with Hyperclorous acid and it is clearing up. Dr. Van Sant recommended that I get a special wheel chair for Buddy as it would get him off of his chest and help his recovery. I ordered the wheel chair and strapped Buddy in and left for work. When i came home, i found him out of his chair and on the floor with damage done to his leg.
Buddy at the For The Birds Clinic in San Jose with Violet in the background, image below:

Buddy's wheelchair below:

Last week, I took him back to Dr. Van Sant, and Buddy's white blood cell count has risen again, and he needs to wear a splint on his bad leg. I didn't have the heart to put him down, and I decided to reach out with this GoFundMe campaign, to see if you will help me to reach my goal so that Buddy can spend the time he needs to with Dr. Van Sant to fully recover before i bring him home again.
Here are photos of the receipts that i have invested on Buddy to date which total $4,656.79
Receipts for Buddy's care below:

Buddy Loves Blueberries and feeling feisty video below:

Buddy with his friend Anita below:

Buddy, sporting his Tie Die T-Shirt, traveling with me up to Marin for Biophoton Light Therapy with my friend Maureen:

Buddy's swollen joint that is infected below:

Buddy's Bumble foot infection on his other hock below:

My plan is to take Buddy to local schools to talk to children about disabilities and the importance of love and care for our family's and friends. I would also like to write a children's book about Buddy's life which i think would be an inspiration.
Thank you for taking the time to read Buddy's story. I hope that you can help us with a donation or sharing through social media.
If you have any questions about Buddy, you can reach me, Rhadiante @ rhadiante@omgardens.org.
My duck Buddy is hurt and I’ve spent $4,700 in 6 weeks. I need to keep him at the vet so he can recover and I can’t afford it. He continues to get his bad hock reinjured because I work. He has a systemic fungal infection, bumblefoot on his good jock, and a chest wound that has been stitched twice. I am deeply attached to him, and with a few more weeks at the vet. He will be able to come home. I don’t want to put him down.
Here are the details:
Buddy is a special duck with a will to live. Last year I came home from work to find my partner, Neil, and my nephew, Justin, digging a hole in the ground to bury Buddy who was on death’s door step. Duffy, Short for Duffus, short for Asshole, tried to drown Buddy in the pond. They pecked at his bill and his eyes were swollen shut. Buddy reared his head and quacked, “I’m not dead Jim”. So I brought Buddy into the bathtub and he was blinded by the swelling. I cared for Buddy. With fermented coconut oil, 5 days later, the scabs came off his eyelids and he could see again! Buddy recovered! I had a second coop for Buddy as I didn’t want him with the other ducks who might try and kill him again. I brought him a girlfriend, Blanca, from the other coop. Blanca’s neck was rustled and scarred from repeated raping from having too many males in her coop. Blanca, such a beautiful Peking girl. They were a happy couple.
Buddy and Blanca below

Buddy started to limp about 3 months ago. His limp became more and more severe. I gave him anti-inflammatory medicine that i had left over from my other duck, Lucy. He seemed to improve for a while, until i started to free range the ducks when we had breaks in the all the rain we have experienced this past winter. He would do his best to keep up with the other ducks, but eventually, Buddy's leg got so bad, he had to use his wings to drag himself around. Meanwhile, Duffy moved in on Blanca, and won her love. About 6 weeks ago, i came home to find Buddy in the bushes hanging out near the coop solo. By nightfall he was still in the bushes, so i went to help him when i realized that he had a puncture wound on his chest which was all scraped up, and his leg was severely swollen and hot to the touch. Again, I brought him into the house and isolated him with special care.

One week later, Blanca was taken by a Bob cat in the late morning. Poor Buddy lost his mate. I have spent a lot of time with Buddy as i realize that in order for any being to heal, they need love and care. I have grown very close to Buddy through this process, and I want to help him. He is still very strong and not at all dying. He clearly has a will to live, and I clearly have a huge heart to help him.
Buddy Meeting Violet at the Center for the Birds below:

Since Blanca was taken, a friend wrote to me asking if i would adopt her female Peking, Darlene, who trips over her own feet and falls over sometimes. I happily adopted Darlene, and Buddy has been so happy to have a female companion.
Buddy and Darlene below:

I was able to find the most amazing bird vet, Dr. Fern Van Sant in San Jose. Buddy started on anti-biotics and had two separate procedures to clean up and stitch his chest wound. Buddy wears a tee shirt to protect the stitches on his chest. Since he cannot walk, the pressure on his chest is an issue for healing his wound. He has been in the hospital a few times so they can keep him stable while his chest is healing and the infection sub-siding. My daily routine is a morning or evening bath with medicines given morning and night. It turns out that Buddy has a systemic fungal infection so he is also on anti-fungal medication. He then developed a Bumble Foot on his good hock. Bumble Foot is like a bed sore and is very painful. I am treating the bumble foot with Hyperclorous acid and it is clearing up. Dr. Van Sant recommended that I get a special wheel chair for Buddy as it would get him off of his chest and help his recovery. I ordered the wheel chair and strapped Buddy in and left for work. When i came home, i found him out of his chair and on the floor with damage done to his leg.
Buddy at the For The Birds Clinic in San Jose with Violet in the background, image below:

Buddy's wheelchair below:

Last week, I took him back to Dr. Van Sant, and Buddy's white blood cell count has risen again, and he needs to wear a splint on his bad leg. I didn't have the heart to put him down, and I decided to reach out with this GoFundMe campaign, to see if you will help me to reach my goal so that Buddy can spend the time he needs to with Dr. Van Sant to fully recover before i bring him home again.
Here are photos of the receipts that i have invested on Buddy to date which total $4,656.79
Receipts for Buddy's care below:

Buddy Loves Blueberries and feeling feisty video below:

Buddy with his friend Anita below:

Buddy, sporting his Tie Die T-Shirt, traveling with me up to Marin for Biophoton Light Therapy with my friend Maureen:

Buddy's swollen joint that is infected below:

Buddy's Bumble foot infection on his other hock below:

My plan is to take Buddy to local schools to talk to children about disabilities and the importance of love and care for our family's and friends. I would also like to write a children's book about Buddy's life which i think would be an inspiration.
Thank you for taking the time to read Buddy's story. I hope that you can help us with a donation or sharing through social media.
If you have any questions about Buddy, you can reach me, Rhadiante @ rhadiante@omgardens.org.
Rhadiante Van De Voorde
Boulder Creek, CA