Help the Mullins Family Catch a break
My name is Alicia Mullins and I am the daughter of Kurt and Laura Mullins. My parents have been married for 31 years this May and have been through more struggles than I can count throughout their lives. From my father losing his dad at the tender age of 13 to filing a total of 3 bankruptcy’s to date and moving around a lot in our younger years some how my dad and mom always managed to keep it all together for us. Until these past couple years. In April of 2018 my dad had a heart attack resulting in needing 5 stents. Thankfully everything went successful for him and he was put on the proper medications to manage his new found situation. Then in the fall of 2019 my dad started to experience some issues with leg swelling and some other things, he went into the hospital December 3rd to try to figure out what was going on. They diagnosed him with lymphedema and sent him on his way. At this point my dads entire bottom half was completely swollen with water weight andhis abdomen making it hard to walk, climb stairs and work. He was a maintenance man for a townhome facility. He had to be put on short term disability until he was able to control his swelling. Over the next couple months he experienced new symptoms that led to a ton of new doctors visits. And by the grace of god and some self research my dad found someone who said he DID NOT have lymphedema he has a rare kidney disease called FSGS ( Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) it’s a disease where scar tissue develops on your kidneys making it impossible for his kidneys to function. It was devastating to hear but we were relieved to be able to finally get some answers and hopefully to find a solution to our problem. The issue with FSGS is there is none. He will eventually need kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant if things don’t improve. He is on cyclosporine a drug that is very toxic to your immune system (hence the fear of covid) multiple medications to help his kidneys function, not counting the blood pressure and heart meds he has to take. This man wouldn’t take a Tylenol for a headache when I was growing up and now has to take 10+ medications to just survive. One medication he’s taking recently has made him a type one diabetic and it’s something he needs to take for his kidneys to function, so what’s helping is also hurting him. They do have state Medicaid to help keep up with the costs of all his medications and insulin but Lately it feels like it’s one thing after another when it comes to their situation. They had to file bankruptcy and he had to apply for full time disability due to not physically being able to keep up with work and also feeling unsafe due to covid. He lost his older brother to covid on January 5th of this year proving his Decision to leave his work was valid. They are struggling to pay rent and bills, disability hasn’t gone through yet, and he had to surrender his Jeep to the bank after filing for bankruptcy. It seems as if the rug was pulled out from under them. They are facing eviction as I type this. And are just praying everyday for a Hail Mary to help them out of their situation. My sister, brother and I have pulled together and are helping in all ways we can think of to make life a little more easier for the two people that loved and supported us when times were hard. If I could do this small gesture to help ease some of their burden I will write 1,000 paragraphs. I’ve watched my dad become more frail over this past year, him breakdown and fall apart and as his little girl it breaks my heart knowing I can only do so much. I know this is just a bump in their road that will soon be in the past but right now in this moment it’s unbearable. Our goal is $20,000, I don’t expect to raise that much but it’s worth a try. The money will be used to help them
get back on their feet. Pay off their debt and hopefully start a new chapter. We appreciate any donations.
2nd to last photo was the day he came Home from the hospital. Last photo is
how my dad looks today. He’s come alongway but still has a long way to go. Please keep my dad and our family in your