Building Dream Home for those that Helped Others
Donation protected
The Importance of Helping Others. In our technology-driven world, we could spend an entire day without physically needing to see or talk to another person. Thanks to digital devices and the Internet, we can work and order our food, and just about anything else we need, from home.
It is a proven fact that helping others can increase happiness and reduce stress. Thank you for taking the time to read this GoFundMe campaign. Today I am going to tell you about two people that have selflessly given to others for many years. I would like to introduce you to Larry and Melody Mclean. Both have been active members of the community of Slocomb Alabama their entire lives. Both Larry and Melody have jumped to the occasion to help and assist those in need whenever possible. Together, they have made far more sacrifices for the benefit of others than the average person would consider in a lifetime.
Over the years Larry has worked tirelessly to assist strangers, friends, and family members in remodeling, repairing, and replacing items that would typically cost thousands of dollars for those in need. Larry has also aided countless veterans.
My name is Lucas. I am a combat veteran who is completely disabled, and I am one of the veterans that were recently helped by Larry and Melody. Larry stepped up to assist me when I required expert assistance remodeling my entire house. I did not have the financial resources to complete the necessary and required repairs on my own. Without hesitation, and at the drop of a hat, Larry and Melody were able to assist me with the much-needed repairs.
Helping others is something that Larry and Melody did for many years. Whatever was going on in Larry or Melody's lives at the time, they never hesitated to help a person in need. Larry and Melody have helped too many people to count from all walks of life and backgrounds.
I believe in "paying it forward" so I created this GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for Larry and Melody. The fundraiser will be used to pay off their mobile home mortgage and reconstruct it into a dream home that meets their disability needs. Any funds remaining will be used to fund special Add-ins.
To give you an idea of how selfless Larry and Melody are after they assisted me with my remodeling, Larry and Melody assisted Larry's parents in relocating to his land when they lost their jobs and became disabled. He donated land and collaborated with his father-in-law to purchase a rundown mobile home trailer and convert it into his parent's dream home. Larry and Melody utilized the wood, windows, and doors they had been saving to build their dream home and instead saw a need for his parents and provided it for them.
Larry is also a master carpenter who has been hand carving American flags for over a decade. He has donated over 100 flags to first responders like police officers and departments, fire departments, emergency medical technicians, military personnel, and other organizations to appreciate their services.
Times have changed. Larry and Melody are both disabled now, collecting limited SSDI and unable to work. As a result of these new disabilities, their hope of building their own dream home now can not be reached without the support from people who understand and see what great people they are.
You can make a difference. no amount of support is too small or too big. On the right side of this page, you can make a donation just by clicking on the orange "Donate Now" button.
Currently, Larry and Melody live in a 1995 mobile home that is falling apart day by day and has little to no a/c functionality anymore. Over time the roof has been damaged due to multiple storms and patched to a point the insurance company dropped them. Since then, more sustainable damage has occurred, which has led to leaks within the house. Moreover, Melody has not had an operational stove in over ten years due to wiring issues causing the entire plug to burn up. They have not been able to afford another one. In addition, when it rains, the sewage system backs up, eliminating the ability to utilize bathrooms. This has been caused by tree roots growing into sewage lines over time, and they cannot afford to have it replaced. The front porch is slowly falling apart, and they have already slipped and fallen on multiple occasions, and without repairs, there is a fear further injuries will occur.
Generous people like Larry and Melody now need support from others. Have you ever been helped by a stranger and wondered how you can return the favor? Have you ever wondered how to find a worthy cause to support? Have you ever wanted to "Pay it Forward"? Here is a perfect example of a deserving couple that has spent their lives helping others and now requires help themselves.

As a fellow American, you can see these selfless patriots have helped the community of Slocomb Alabama and it is now times like this to see there is hope in the world. I am a 100% Disabled Veteran who financially supports them but cannot do enough to provide a better living situation for them.
My parents have taught me to help those in need throughout my life regardless of the cost to myself. I've taken that and applied it to a variety of endeavors. I began my career in the United States Military as a Military Police Officer. I assisted hundreds of people; I served multiple deployments overseas where I conducted both Humanitarian assistance and combat operations. I've used my benefits to train as an Emergency Medical Technician, swift water technician, and volunteer Fire Fighter so that I could assist those in need and be prepared if someone was injured.
However, due to my injuries overseas resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury, I now assist veterans by working on their disability claims to ensure they can get the help they need. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, these two individuals would assist anyone in any situation. I can only speak for myself when I say that after speaking with many people involved in putting this together, they all stated, "If anyone deserves it, it's these two," "Larry would give me his shirt off his back if I asked," and "Melody has always been there to support anyone in need."
Please Donate today. Even if it's a small donation of $5, it will go a long way. If you can't donate, please share this GoFundMe to your Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media accounts so we can spread this campaign far and wide and get it viral. Please share with your co-workers, church friends, neighbors, and community, and let's get Larry and Melody the support they have provided others for so many years in their time of need.
If you have any additional ideas or suggestions on how we can support this campaign and help Larry and Melody, please let me know. All I want is for them to be taken care of and be happy. I am asking that if you have it in your heart, please donate to this sweet, caring couple, Larry and Melody, to help cover expenses to re-build a home for them.
Thank you for your time and for reading this to the end. I know Larry and Melody appreciate that you are busy and are grateful for your support, either financially or by sharing on your social media.
Please know, all prayers and well wishes provide encouragement and support during this struggle.
It is a proven fact that helping others can increase happiness and reduce stress. Thank you for taking the time to read this GoFundMe campaign. Today I am going to tell you about two people that have selflessly given to others for many years. I would like to introduce you to Larry and Melody Mclean. Both have been active members of the community of Slocomb Alabama their entire lives. Both Larry and Melody have jumped to the occasion to help and assist those in need whenever possible. Together, they have made far more sacrifices for the benefit of others than the average person would consider in a lifetime.
Over the years Larry has worked tirelessly to assist strangers, friends, and family members in remodeling, repairing, and replacing items that would typically cost thousands of dollars for those in need. Larry has also aided countless veterans.
My name is Lucas. I am a combat veteran who is completely disabled, and I am one of the veterans that were recently helped by Larry and Melody. Larry stepped up to assist me when I required expert assistance remodeling my entire house. I did not have the financial resources to complete the necessary and required repairs on my own. Without hesitation, and at the drop of a hat, Larry and Melody were able to assist me with the much-needed repairs.
Helping others is something that Larry and Melody did for many years. Whatever was going on in Larry or Melody's lives at the time, they never hesitated to help a person in need. Larry and Melody have helped too many people to count from all walks of life and backgrounds.
I believe in "paying it forward" so I created this GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for Larry and Melody. The fundraiser will be used to pay off their mobile home mortgage and reconstruct it into a dream home that meets their disability needs. Any funds remaining will be used to fund special Add-ins.
To give you an idea of how selfless Larry and Melody are after they assisted me with my remodeling, Larry and Melody assisted Larry's parents in relocating to his land when they lost their jobs and became disabled. He donated land and collaborated with his father-in-law to purchase a rundown mobile home trailer and convert it into his parent's dream home. Larry and Melody utilized the wood, windows, and doors they had been saving to build their dream home and instead saw a need for his parents and provided it for them.
Larry is also a master carpenter who has been hand carving American flags for over a decade. He has donated over 100 flags to first responders like police officers and departments, fire departments, emergency medical technicians, military personnel, and other organizations to appreciate their services.
Times have changed. Larry and Melody are both disabled now, collecting limited SSDI and unable to work. As a result of these new disabilities, their hope of building their own dream home now can not be reached without the support from people who understand and see what great people they are.
You can make a difference. no amount of support is too small or too big. On the right side of this page, you can make a donation just by clicking on the orange "Donate Now" button.
Currently, Larry and Melody live in a 1995 mobile home that is falling apart day by day and has little to no a/c functionality anymore. Over time the roof has been damaged due to multiple storms and patched to a point the insurance company dropped them. Since then, more sustainable damage has occurred, which has led to leaks within the house. Moreover, Melody has not had an operational stove in over ten years due to wiring issues causing the entire plug to burn up. They have not been able to afford another one. In addition, when it rains, the sewage system backs up, eliminating the ability to utilize bathrooms. This has been caused by tree roots growing into sewage lines over time, and they cannot afford to have it replaced. The front porch is slowly falling apart, and they have already slipped and fallen on multiple occasions, and without repairs, there is a fear further injuries will occur.
Generous people like Larry and Melody now need support from others. Have you ever been helped by a stranger and wondered how you can return the favor? Have you ever wondered how to find a worthy cause to support? Have you ever wanted to "Pay it Forward"? Here is a perfect example of a deserving couple that has spent their lives helping others and now requires help themselves.

As a fellow American, you can see these selfless patriots have helped the community of Slocomb Alabama and it is now times like this to see there is hope in the world. I am a 100% Disabled Veteran who financially supports them but cannot do enough to provide a better living situation for them.
My parents have taught me to help those in need throughout my life regardless of the cost to myself. I've taken that and applied it to a variety of endeavors. I began my career in the United States Military as a Military Police Officer. I assisted hundreds of people; I served multiple deployments overseas where I conducted both Humanitarian assistance and combat operations. I've used my benefits to train as an Emergency Medical Technician, swift water technician, and volunteer Fire Fighter so that I could assist those in need and be prepared if someone was injured.
However, due to my injuries overseas resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury, I now assist veterans by working on their disability claims to ensure they can get the help they need. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, these two individuals would assist anyone in any situation. I can only speak for myself when I say that after speaking with many people involved in putting this together, they all stated, "If anyone deserves it, it's these two," "Larry would give me his shirt off his back if I asked," and "Melody has always been there to support anyone in need."
Please Donate today. Even if it's a small donation of $5, it will go a long way. If you can't donate, please share this GoFundMe to your Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or other social media accounts so we can spread this campaign far and wide and get it viral. Please share with your co-workers, church friends, neighbors, and community, and let's get Larry and Melody the support they have provided others for so many years in their time of need.
If you have any additional ideas or suggestions on how we can support this campaign and help Larry and Melody, please let me know. All I want is for them to be taken care of and be happy. I am asking that if you have it in your heart, please donate to this sweet, caring couple, Larry and Melody, to help cover expenses to re-build a home for them.
Thank you for your time and for reading this to the end. I know Larry and Melody appreciate that you are busy and are grateful for your support, either financially or by sharing on your social media.
Please know, all prayers and well wishes provide encouragement and support during this struggle.
Lucas Mclean
Slocomb, AL