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Help CharlieLive

Doação protegida
Charlie is an 8 year old boxer who has suddenly and inexplicably become ill. She is her momma's pride and joy. So far the vet bills have amassed at over $3000.00 and her owner is now dipping into her education funds to save her!

Mounting vet costs could hinder the life expectancy of Charlie and devastate her mother who has health issues. 

Please donate anything you can to help recoup the costs and to give to what is up and coming. Let's save Charlie!!!!!



  • Tash H
    • $110
    • 7 yrs
  • Stephanie Goulding
    • $40 (doação off-line)
    • 7 yrs
  • Karen Fisher
    • $60 (doação off-line)
    • 7 yrs


Dawn Wright
Whitby, ON

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