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Fund for Dana and family

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Help me help my friend

My best friend, Dana has been suffering for a year now with a serious illness. She is in very bad pain most of the time with swollen lymph nodes and abdomen. She has been unable to get out of bed for a year now. Moving around hurts a lot.

The doctors believe that she might have lymphoma. They need to run more tests to make sure. NOT CLAIMING SHE HAS LYMPHOMA.
Dana has been going from one doctor after another who has yet to give her a final diagnosis and a treatment plan.
All the while paying for visits out of pocket what she could afford $500 here and $500 there. Unfortunately a cash paying patient who cant afford to pay ALL of the bill doesn't get All of the answers. She now owes various doctors and hospitals thousands of dollars.

Dana is a single mother of two and is unable to work to support her family at this time. Dana needs our help financially to help pay her bills while she is getting the help she needs. She is on a VERY limited income and has finally managed to secure an appointment to get a GOLD Card.
She has another appointment schedule for July 14th

I will be taking care of Dana during her treatment as much as I can. I live in Seattle, WA and plan to make several trips down to help her out, pay her bills, clean her house, and get her to her appointments and however else I can help.

If you could find it in your heart to help me help my friend I would appreciate it. so much.

I will make sure to keep you posted of her diagnosis and treatment.

Thank you,

PS We have created a wish list of items that we are looking for Dana's benefit. We are not trying to get facials and hair extensions for our personal use. lol

Except for the horse riding lessons-We would like to send Heaven, Dana's eleven year old daughter to horse riding lessons this summer.



  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Kelly Anne Kirkpatrick
Lake Stevens, WA

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