Help Jason stand up !
With surgery costing potentially a minimum of $120-150 k and realizing how many surgery’s he might need because just how bad his back is and from the research I’ve seen and feedback I’ve heard it will cost closer to 300k atleast for potential a urgery’s So I’ve decided to raise our goal to 400k for now until I get more info on potential cost on all the things he needs done for him . And still want to leave room for things that he /we don’t know about . Any other physical conditions or health issues . We want to be able to get him his own place to call a home . All the essential credentials and paper work he needs on a daily . Transportation . . It all depends on the priority and his current state of physical condition We want to give him a new life . We want to get him to stand up straight again . Lets sAve a life and give him one to look forward too . I know he would do the same if he were on the other side . As few/some /many might know by now I met this guy as I was driving home . He was on the corner panhandling for money . He has a server hunchback And said people ask to see it more then they ask about his own well being so he decided to start showing it for the money . Which shows the do whatever it takes attitude I think he has , even though he’s a fighter and most definitely a survivor , the pain is gotten to a point where he can barely function let along Lift his head higher than his back . He said he hasn’t been able to stand up straight in over a decade . I am dedicating myself to finding him the help he needs and I won’t stop until he either has surgery or we can atleast Bless him with enough money so that he doesn’t have to put himself through this for a couple bucks a day . We all have made mistakes in our life and no matter what it’s how we bounce back that shows our character . Whatever got him to this point is in the past , let’s give him the chance to have a real life guys . Any donations would be sooooo appreciated . I promise you I’ll be seeing him often and will be uploading videos to social media . I will post my handles below so u can see the kind of guy he is and u will witness first hand that any money u give will be helping a person with a hope to live a normal life , a person who caught some bad breaks in life but is still fighting to live . So please donate . Thank you ! Pictures above show him before and after this horrible condition took over his life . And again updates posted daily on both of these accounts below .please share too all social media platforms . Godbless
tiktok- isaiahanthony1313
IG - Isaiahanthony_13
fb - Isaiah Anthony