Holiday Hope For Megan
So some time has passed, it's the Christmas season, and our friend Megan is still fighting strong! It has been a year of personal loss - her beloved mother has passed and the family dog that grew up with her children has died. Chemotherapy treatments have halted work and living has slowed down. Megan does not want to slow down. With a son in college and another heading to college, ovarian cancer needs to take a back seat in her life.
We have done it before and I humbly ask that we do it again. Megan felt the love from each and every one of you. The greatest gifts you can give this holiday season are the gifts of hope and love. Positive messages, financial contributions to ease worries, and most importantly-love and support sent her way can and will turn things around.
The holidays are tough for so many people, so for those suffering from illness or the great loss of a loved one, please know that we hold your prayers in our hearts as well. Send your love in memoriam by mentioning a name or hold them silently in your heart. There is powerful peace in a circle of hope. Together just feels better.
Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Remember to picture Megan and all your loved ones happy and healthy.
" And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
- St. Paul
1 corinthians 13:13