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Honeymoon: North to Alaska

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We are delighted that you have chosen to celebrate our marriage. We are grateful for your friendship and love.

We are blessed to have the essentials needed to start life together and ask that you participate in our alternative gift registry.

We are going North to Alaska! Can you hear that good ole song by Johnny Horton: North to Alaska? This has been on our bucket list for ages and we look forward to experiencing the mystery and wonder of God's creation.

We will be flying into Seattle and spend a brief 24 hours before boarding the Celebrity Solstice where we will cruise Alaska's inside passage for seven days.

In the spirit of celebrating our marriage, we ask you to help fund our honeymoon.

Thank you & Bon Voyage!

Ron & Anita
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  • Anonyme
    • $50
    • 10 yrs
Faire un don


Ron Janke
Pflugerville, TX

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    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe