Puerto Rico- let's aide the victims
Puerto Rico needs our help. 3.4 million Americans are in dispare due to the catastrophic impact Hurricane Maria had on the small Island. Americans are without water food in desperate need of fuel. The island is going on 10 days without electricity it could be months before the electricity is restored cell towers were destroyed so there's no communication or very little with the community there. As most of you know we live here in Gerogia but all three of us were born and partially riased in Puerto Rico. The majority of our family still resides there. We ( Sylvia Velez, Ada Cario and Lizbeth Rodriguez have been personally impacted as 90% of my family is there and although the media and the News state that help is there the citizens are not getting it I have communicated with dozens of people who say none of the help that's being announced in the media is getting their they're still lacking water and food and fuel children are in need of diapers and formula the elderly and the sick or not getting their medication. I've decided to take steps and ensuring that as many of these people get help we can't wait on the government to help. Every little penny counts. Let's all get together and make Puerto Rico beautiful again please donate all proceeds are guaranteed to go to those in need in the island. The proceeds will be used to purchase those items most in need and we have been guaranteed through family members that are in the military there in Puerto Rico right now that they will ensure these items get delivered to the most in need.
Hello Friends and Family,
Over the last several days many of you have asked how you can help so I put a list together of items the family needs. Your help and support would assist several families in their time of need. The list is posted on my sister Ada Cario, Lizbeth Rodriguez and my Facebook pages but we also thought maybe some of you prefer to give money so we put this GoFund together as well. The money will be distributed to our family and friends in Puerto Rico from San Juan, Bayamon, Levittown, Carolina and my home town Isabela. That includes grandma who is 101, my mom, her sisters and their kids who were all affected by this storm.
One of my cousin’s husband lost his job yesterday, they told him there was no work because of the storm and she doesn’t have a generator or money to buy one. She is a school teacher and unlike here if there is no school, they don’t get paid. The government has said they may not have school until sometime in 2018. ☹ She has two little kids and no source of income now due to Maria. Two other family members have no generator and they are in the dark all day and night except the little bit of light they can get during the day. It's heart breaking knowing they have no gas, no electricity if you want food you have to do lines of countless hours. Anything you would like to help them with would be appreciated.
There is no electricity and there is no end date on that yet. People are running out of cash to buy things because they are having to go buy things anywhere they can at whatever cost. They spend endless hours and in line at the Atm for cash in order to buy food and gas which is . Please message me privately if you have questions.
People are losing their jobs due to Maria and my nephew had a wood house (my older sisters son) he lost his house with all his belongings. He will need everything and he is only 25.
You've reached out to me asking how you can help, well this is how donate even $1, $5 or $20 anything helps them. The funds will be used to purchase as maney relief items as possible, we will package these items in care packages and will be shipping these packages to our family and friends in Oeurto Rico. We also have set up a list on Facebook of items you can donate and mail to them if you prefer to donate an item. Our goal is that with these funds and the items each of you donate we will be able to feed, provide water and the necessary essentials such as personal heigine items for at least 15 families. Lizbeth Rodriguez will be managing the fund and the 3 of us will withdraw and utilize the funds to purchase the before mentioned items, packaging, postage and mailing these boxes as soon as possible. Our goal is to have everything purchased packaged and ready to ship by this weekend. We will add updates to the campaign with pictures of the progress we are making in getting these packages together and of the items purchased so that each of you can be personally involved in the process.
As a reminder the list of needed items that we need and will be purchasing with these funds has been posted in the pdates section for all of you to view.
All donations will go directly to these Families that were devastated by this hurricane.
Help spread the word!