John Campbell Eagle Project
This school year I am hoping to raise money for my Eagle Project with the Boy Scouts of America. My project will benefit my former elementary school, John Campbell Elementary in Selah, Washington.
The Project's aim is to put up both English and Spanish signs with the Selah Viking motto P.R.I.D.E:
Positive, Respectful, In Control,
Dependable, Engaged.
These words will be vertically written in the school colors with the school logo at the bottom to show Viking pride. There will be 22 , 5 inch wide by 36 inch tall, aluminum signs that will be custom made locally by Yakima ADI (Advanced Digital Imaging) on the front and back of the concrete pillars.
The great thing about the pillar area of the school is that it is a high traffic area where the students walk by every day on there way to P.E and they will see them every recess. This will be a great reminder of what they as students should be doing at John Campbell Elementary school.
Thank You,
Talon Smith Troop #115
Also here is a mock poster of what the aluminum signs would look like.