Janie Flores Funeral Arrangements
Donation protected
Today I ask for a huge favor for my father and myself. My Dad and I have come up with the rest of the money for my Mother's funeral arrangements and we are short about $4,500. My mother did not have life insurance because she has been ill most of my life and because her illness was so chronic she could not get life insurance. My Mom was on dialysis for 2 years before she was finally called home. Her and my father adopted me at birth and gave me the life every child would only dream of. She loved me unconditionally and supported me through any life decisions I've made. The least I can do is come up with the funds to have a nice ceremony for my mother. I never felt right asking for money, but this is my only option. If you find it in your heart or if my mother has touched you in any way shape or form even $1 helps us get closer to our goal. I have no doubt that we will reach our goal. Thank you in advance and may God be with you all.
Dom Flores
Grand Prairie, TX