Asking for any help for Janyrah special needs
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My name is Luz B Gonzalez, I am a 30 year old mother of 3 wonderful children, one of them which is
my 12 year old daughter that battles with multiple special needs disorders. Her name is Jany'rah Lee
Torres, she resides with me and attends at Jettie S. Tisdale Elementary school in Bridgeport Ct. When
Jany 'rah was about 3 weeks old she was diagnosed with epileptic seizures, It has caused her
developmental delay in her daily life living day in and day out. Fast forwarding to now, she is a healthy
happy beautiful girl who enjoys being around her mom and her new 5 month old fraternal twin baby
brothers. But lately, it has been getting very challenging for me to keep up with her daily needs inside
and outside our 2 bedroom apartment. She doesn't have the required equipment to get her around
because she is wheelchair bound and isn't independent. A few months before I gave birth we lost our
only transportation to get her to and from appointments. In the next few paragraphs I'm going to
explain what I want the people to know about Jany'rah.
Jany rah has a diagnosis of cortical visual impairment (CVI), Epilepsy, and abnormal chromosomal
micro array with duplications. Jany rah is non-ambulatory, non-verbal, is not toilet trained, and is
dependent for all of her basic needs. She has attended Jettie S. Tisdale since the 3rd grade and with the
help of her individualized education program (IEP) that includes 24 hours and 30 minutes per week of
specialized instructions, such ass PT, OT, TV, and other forms of assistance Jany rah has been a work
in progress. With the help of these wonderful 9 other teachers and ppts, we are all able to come together
as one and build up an IEP for her extended school year to help her with the important areas she needs
the help in while at school and her everyday social life. They say it takes a village but Jany rah only has
me as her advocate and for my daughter I will go above and beyond even more so now because I am
the only one in her corner when she isn't in school.
We've been through so much together, from me having to give up my job due to Covid-19 in (2019),
no child care, being evicted because money was an issue and wasn't enough to make ends meet. My
back was against the wall. It left me feeling hopeless with no choice but to get us into a shelter, packing
up our belongings putting all of her equipment in storage where later on we lost almost $18,000 worth
of her equipment and other stuff like, bedding's, TVs, clothing, diapers and pad supplies, mostly
everything got molded and we lost it all. My daughter requires so many things, a van with a wheelchair
accessible ramp, a safe sleep bed she lost due to mold at the storage, hoyer lifter, stander/walker, and
etc. I cant even begin to tell you how much we lost but, all I can say is I kept telling myself that I had to
stay strong so that I can get it all back. Life has just been so overwhelming, being that I'm doing this
alone with no help, struggling to transport her from inside and outside. Not being able to finish school
to care for her, we barely get out because its just so hard to do activities with out the tools or resources
we need.
This October our lease is up and I yet cant seem to find an apartment suitable for us, Jany rah needs her
Own room with her own bathroom for her own reasons and a handicap accessible ramp for her
Wheelchair needs. I know its a lot but I've tried everthing I can being that I'm her only advocate in
this situation. we really need your help, anything would help to make things a little easier for us.
-Sincerely signed a distressed mother
Luz Gonzalez
Bridgeport, CT