Jadell Williams Assistance Fund
Everyone should remember Jadell Williams. He was always willing to help you out, even if it was against company policy, even if he had to stay late to help you or he had to trade, barter or what ever it took to get it done. Always smiling and a good friend. Never a bad thing to say about anyone.
Over the last few years, Jadell has hit rough times and is plagued with medical problems, including waiting for a kidney transplant. He recently had to have his leg amputated from the knee down. He cant work and cant make ends meet with the money he receives each month. Denene Rodney and I send him money every month to help him eat and get the things he can't live without as well as his helping with his overwhelming medical bills.
Unfortunately, his financial needs have increased to the point, that is more than we can handle individually.
So friends and former colleagues, we are reaching out to you to ask to lend a hand in making Jadell's life just a little bit better so he can focus on his health, rather than where his next meal is coming from.
I have agreed to manage the funds and give him a monthly stipend. So even if its a dollar or 5 dollars your donation will go a long way to help an old friend and colleague to have just a bt of sunshine in his otherwise daunting existence.
Denene & I really appreciate your consideration in this - we hope everyone is happy and healthy themselves.
Lynette Bosco & Denene Rodney
[email redacted]