Jeremy's Journey -Tenacious and Determined
When Jeremy was seventeen years old, he had no idea that the next twenty years of his life would be filled with pain, struggles, the deterioration of his physical safety and mobility, as well as the loss of precious musical abilities. Jeremy copes with an autoimmune disease that attacks his central nervous system in ways very similar to Multiple Sclerosis (MS), although it is not MS. Jeremy's immune system attacks the white matter areas of his brain as if it were a threat to his body. His symptoms vary according to which area of the brain is being attacked and have included horrible headaches, vertigo, nausea, light-headedness, forgetfulness and extreme fatigue daily. In addition, a hemorrhage that occurred during a brain biopsy in 2006 left Jeremy with stroke-like symptoms on the left side of his body. He speaks very quietly, sometimes slurs his words, has lost fine motor skills, and has fallen numerous times due to his imbalance and left side foot drop.
This undiagnosed and unnamed disease has baffled countless doctors across the country and world, including neurology specialists from the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 2013, a Mayo Clinic doctor put together some medical terms to describe the disease: steroid-responsive angiocentric leukoencephalopathy. Jeremy has had three brain surgeries, chemotherapy, eleven spinal taps, more than one hundred MRIs, and he takes multiple medications. The list of procedures and tests is too many to comprehend. Through all of this, Jeremy still graduated from Fremont High School and with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Midland University.
Jeremy continues to have intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy every month, as well as speech, occupational, and physical therapy. The mounting medical bills have created never-ending financial hardships. His suppressed immune system has made the COVID-19 pandemic particularly dangerous for him.
Jeremy's falls and limited hand usage are most concerning as he copes with the terror that this disease has ravaged on his body. Recently, one of his medical providers recommended two FDA approved innovative devices that are designed to help those living with conditions resulting from Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. When evaluated for use of the Bioness L300 Go Lower Cuff paired with the Bioness L300 Thigh Cuff, Jeremy qualified as someone who would be able to increase range of motion, decrease spasticity, and reduce the risk of falls while improving confidence and independence. The excitement and hopefulness of this breakthrough quickly diminished, however, when Jeremy's insurance would not cover the cost of the devices.
Knowing that Jeremy refuses to ask for help, we felt it was so important not to let financial hardship stand in the way of his safety and quality of life. Jeremy's roles as husband to Mindy and father to Davina, Miah, and Cadence have brought him great joy and purpose. Jeremy has responded to years of pain, disappointment and debilitation with faith, courage, and perseverance. This GoFundMe will pay for the much needed Bioness electrical stimulation devices. The Gierke's have been friends of ours for years as Jeremy's father, Reverend Timothy Gierke, blessed our family in so many ways with his ministry. It is our hope that we can give back in this way.
Thank you so much, in advance, to all who are willing to support Jeremy. Any funds donated in excess of the $12,800 for the devices will go toward Jeremy's significant ongoing medical expenses and indebtedness resulting from this cruel disease.
Jeremy lives his faith and trusts in the Lord as is evident in his life verse, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.
God bless you for your care, concern and generosity.
Organizer and beneficiary