Josh Smith DVM memorial, Support for Laura
Thank you so much for visiting this gofundme page. Presumably you knew Josh, and if you did, you know how incredibly kind, generous and brilliant he was. He was engaged to Laura, and they shared a house in Madison WI, along with Laura’s two children, Jaden (14) and Emma (9). The kids adored their stepdad. Josh and Laura were supposed to be married in May 2020 at a Pheasant Lodge in Spring Green WI, but this was postponed by a year due to COVID.
He also was a very proud owner of 3 Persian cats, Emperor Tau, Admiral Machete and Commander Chainsaw(!); and two amazing hunting dogs, Ethel (whom he described on numerous occasions as his soulmate), and Jed. A few weeks ago he adopted a puppy called Martha who was diagnosed with a terminal congenital heart condition and likely has about a year to live.
Josh was an incredible veterinarian, and went through many years of training, internships, and residency. He worked as a critical care specialist in Madison at VCA VESVSC for 5 years before moving on to an academic position as an Assistant Professor at UW Madison in October 2020, teaching and training veterinarians in critical care.
We know Laura faces a very uncertain financial future. We do know Josh was determined to be a husband, father and provider for Laura and her family. Laura is incredibly strong and has family nearby who will support her. She is already determined to support some of the causes that Josh was passionate about, and she is determined to try to use his story as a way to tackle the underlying causes of veterinary suicide, which is far too common. In this case, it does appear that financial difficulty was the most significant factor weighing on Josh’s mind.
We do not exactly know what expenses are coming, or even where Laura and the kids will be living once Josh’s estate goes through probate, so we believe having this gofundme account will perhaps be one less thing for her to worry about. The funds may be used for funeral expenses, living, childcare, veterinary/pet related expenses and charitable initiatives for causes Josh was passionate about, as well as awareness initiatives regarding veterinary related suicide that are to be determined. Funds will be disbursed to an account managed by Laura. All funds will be directly managed and owned by Laura Taylor.
Thank you,
Zach Badanes (to be best man)
Kai Shiu (to be groomsman and brother in law)
*Goal at 1.45pm updated as our original goal was almost hit within a few hours.
* Goal increased again at 5.30pm. A poignant comment from a donor- ‘so many people loved him, if only this fundraiser could have happened last week’.
* goal increased at 6.45pm. I think we underestimated the love out there for Josh and his family.