Julia's Fight Against Rare Cancer
Hello TikTok users! - Feb 2020
If you're looking for Julia's daily updates, you can find them on her mom's Facebook page or her website <3 Julia is still fighting and we're looking for another miracle. Please read some of her amazing story - she made huge strides over the summer, but the cancer came back in October.
Facebook: facebook.com/amy.largent.50 (super engaged community)
Website: https://www.juliaadamscancerfund.org/
**This is the OFFICIAL Go Fund Me campaign for Julia Adams, all others should be reported**
*** Update January 2020: As we likely approach the end of Julia's terminal diagnosis, Amy wanted me to update the GoFundMe, and say that thank you to everyone's amazing generosity. All expenses directly related to Julia's ongoing medical care, travel, child care, and missed work, are covered for the next few months.
Everyone has been so generous with helping this family through the last year of hospital life! Amy asked me to lower the GoFundMe to a 'completed' amount at this time. I am keeping it open just in case Julia gives us another miracle, and more financial assistance is needed in the future.
Thank you, sincerely, to everyone who has donated over the course of Julia's journey. You all took a major weight off this family's shoulders and allowed them to focus (and continue to focus) solely on Julia. ***
My name is Alicia McBride, and I have created this campaign for my best friend, Amy and her daughter Julia.
Amy's father, Brad, passed away on 11/8/18 after a short but fierce battle with metastatic melanoma. He was initially diagnosed 3 years ago, the melanoma was removed and all of his regular checkups suggested he was cancer free - even at the checkup the very same month of his stage 4 diagnosis.
The cancer was discovered to have metastasized when a mass was found on his brain this past April. He was a generous, caring, and humble man. Brad passed peacefully at the VA Hospice on Thursday, November 8th; he was 64 years old.
A few days before his passing, Amy had taken her 23 month old daughter Julia to the ER with a persistent stiff neck. They found a mass on her brain!
The very day after Brad lost his fight to cancer, Amy and her husband received the devastating news that Julia has an extremely rare and deadly form of childhood brain cancer.
I can't even imagine the grief they are going through. There are so few ways we can help a family facing these overwhelming circumstances. One thing we can do is allow them to focus on their time left with Julia, and not whether or not they'll end up losing their home. That's the purpose of this campaign.
About the finances: Amy and Brad owned a local IT company. The company was just the two of them for many years. Brad did all the computer support, and Amy managed all of the details, they were a good team. Amy's savings and security was in this business.
When Brad's first brain tumor was found six months ago, he immediately had brain surgery (he went on to have 4 surgeries over the following two months). Needless to say, he was unable to effectively work, though he continued to try - even using his laptop right from his hospital bed hours after surgery.
Every penny they managed to save in the business, went to supporting Brad's living expenses over the next 6 months while he was unable to work. At the time of his passing, Amy is left with no business and no additional funds to draw from. (Amy has found part-time employment with another local IT company, and this company has been graciously supporting many of Brad's previous clients.)
Julia's heartbreaking diagnosis couldn't have come at a worse time, financially. The doctors said Amy and her husband Reed will likely be spending the majority of their time in the hospital over the next year, dealing with the actual treatment and then all of the medical emergencies that realistically come out of having no immune system. After six months of intense chemo, they're looking at possible radiation, although doctors want to avoid radiation in a child so young, followed by another six months of less-intense chemo.
Both Amy and her husband have employers who are sympathetic to their situation and will hold their positions while they are caring for their daughter.
I am creating this campaign to help with all of the expenses that goes along with caring for a child with cancer, and to make sure that Julia can keep her house so she has a home to go home to. They are hoping all medical bills are covered due to their insurance and the secondary insurance Julia is eligible for. They are currently paying for all alternative treatments out of pocket, and both of their regular employment statuses are unknown for the foreseeable future. With the constant driving, living in a hospital, eating out, and child care costs for their young son, I want to make sure they can focus on Julia and not how they will pay their mortgage.
Amy and Reed are good, deserving people. I can't believe they are facing this. No one should be forced to lose a parent and a child, in the same year, to the same disease.
Ways to help Julia:
GIVE whatever you can. No donation is too small.
SHARE this on social media
EMAIL this page to your family and friends - gofundme.com/JuliasFightAgainstCancer
Please continue to lend all your strength, love, and prayers to this family. Little Julia is facing a massive uphill battle against incredible odds... all their efforts needs to be focused on BEATING THIS and being able to see their daughter turn 3!
I will post regular updates on how Julia is doing.
With immense gratitude,
Alicia McBride