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Please help Support Kai and her family x

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Hi, and thank you for taking the time to read this page created for Kai.

This beautiful little lady is Kai, daughter to the very lucky Harry. Kai is a beautiful, 16 year old 'woman' with an infectious laugh and a sarcastic sense of humor, and so ambitious that she had recently been to an interview at Toni & Guy Hairdressers and was awaiting her outcome, whilst attending college and working part time.

Right now Kai and her family really need support through the saddest most fragile time in hers and their lives.

On the 1st October at 1.15pm, the beautiful Kai was out in Glasgow when Kai was involved in a very tragic accident. Kai crossed the road, and did look both ways but sadly did not see / judge the speed of the car coming and sadly was hit and has suffered some very serious injuries.

Kai was rushed into a fantastic hospital, and a coma was induced. With Kais father in Cyprus and her siblings and grandparents and other family in London - urgent travel had to be arranged with lot restrictions in place and at a huge cost to all family members that need to travel and stay to be by Kais side. It was established that she had severe head injuries, including a broken skull, swollen brain several broken bones to which many have to heal by themselves but some required extensive surgeries.

Since awakening from her coma and after surgeries, the left side of Kais brain still remains unresponsive and she is unable to breathe by herself. We are unsure exactly what this means for Kais future and her family - but do know she and they are going to need all the help they can get regardless of outcome. Despite being told that things aren't looking good for Kai as she is still not responding, her family is still so hopeful and pray that Kai can make some kind of recovery and can at the very least be transferred from the ITU into a nicer ward for those with similar long term injury induced disabilities where things aren't causing this sweet young girl, as much distress.

Any donations would mean the world to Kais family right now and would really help with what we hope to be Kais road to recovery and her having the people that love her able to get to see Kai and make sure she isn't on her own.

It's more than appreciated, in advance.



Emma Brown

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