Karen Pollock Legacy Fund
If you’ve been with Clintonville Academy for very long, you know the name Karen Pollock. Karen served, not only as our founding director in 1978, but also as both French and Spanish teacher that first year. She worked as director for 10 years, then continued teaching foreign languages until retiring in August 2020 after an impressive 42-year tenure.
The significance of Karen’s contribution to the character and vitality of Clintonville Academy can’t be overstated. We simply wouldn’t be where we are, without her. For that reason, we want to honor Karen and would love for you to join us in doing so.
We believe the Karen Pollock Legacy Fund will be an invaluable resource for CA students and families. Whether helping with facilities improvements, special events, or even financing student scholarships, this fund will honor Karen’s legacy, and help us accomplish her goal of creating global citizens who are equipped to make a difference in the world.
Your tax-deductible donation will benefit the students of today as we grow tomorrow's leaders.
You can donate online HERE or mail a check made out to Clintonville Academy with Legacy Fund noted in the memo.
Clintonville Academy | Attn: Legacy Fund | 3916 Indianola Avenue | Columbus | OH | 43214
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Clintonville Academy
Columbus, OH
Clintonville Academy