Keaton peck mckena peck Hunter Verm
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On Friday December 16th Keaton our oldest went to the doctor for vomiting, rash, sleepiness and that morning had woken up with swelling in his face. We had thought he had a stomach virus that turned into a very scary diagnoses because his white blood cells were 800,000 when they should be 3,000-11,000. Hoping it was a machine error because they couldn’t get a glucose reading at all, we took an ambulance down to Children’s hospital of Minnesota in Minneapolis knowing at this point it was serious because he couldn’t stay awake. He quickly received care in the emergency room and got a cat scan of his head and X-ray of his chest and blood work. About an hour later he was diagnosed with Leukemia which we learned Sunday is T-cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia which is still unreal to say our baby has Cancer. He was immediately admitted into the PICU where he had to be sedated rather quickly to be put on a vent and main lines put in to receive medication and to draw blood on top of getting several blood transfusions because the rash all over his body was burst blood vessels and he had lost a lot of blood also because the deep center of his brain is bleeding with over 7 more spots in his brain bleeding. The last couple days have moved fast with steroids for cancer and to help with the brain bleed, antibiotics for a fever, oxygen, feeding tube, fentanyl and propofol for sedation, spinal tap and taking the blood out of his body to destroy the white blood cells which he responded to extremely well. He has also started Chemotherapy Sunday through his spinal fluid which is something I’ve never thought I would have to put in my 4 year olds body…. At this point I would do anything to destroy cancer knowing their is a high rate of remissions children. But I am thankful we ended up in Minnesota for Christmas close to the best cancer Hospital in America. Keaton has never been sick and when he is sick it would last less than 2 days so to say we were shocked was an understatement I may never even claim he has cancer because he won’t have it for long Keaton has been performing miracles and healing every hour we’ve been here. He gets an MRI every morning to look at his brain bleed where it’s located it’s likely to effect the right side of his body. Most recently it took him 11 hours to wake up from sedation and the left side of his body is extremely active but not so much the right. But his right side has moved some which makes us extremely hopefull that the neurons weren’t damaged from the bigger brain bleed it’s harder than we expected because of all the lines and monitors feeding tubes etc to keep him from ripping them out it’s a 24/7 job to just sit and watch so he doesn’t harm himself. We mainly ask for prayers for not only Keaton but other babies in the hospital because they all scream in pain from time to time and it really changes your outlook on life.
Hunter Verm
Elk River, MN