Dargan Watts abducted, raped me & now suing #MeToo
Donation protected
God is with me. God was there with me while Dargan Birchmore Watts Jr. committed his crimes. And God is still making Himself known today by being with me through it still. We have won round one and will finish wiping the floor with this remorseless rapist this fall at trial. Per his demand.
I am Molly Skye Brown. Ex teen model and classically trained vocalist.
I am raising money to fight my rapists and end statutes of limitations for rape crimes. After defending my right to speak the truth publicly, I will take on Congress to make sure survivors are protected and laws changed to end statutes of limitations in filing charges. It’s time to believe and support those brave enough to SAY something.
Survivor story
I speak up for all the voiceless survivors out there.
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend to many. I’m a human being not just an uncomfortable statistic that remains a hidden disgusting secret because no one wants to hear our truth and address the elephant in the room that we live among men that rape and women that enable.
I spoke up about a local producer that abducted and raped me from what was supposed to be a business dinner to discuss opportunities for me to sing within his company. I met him through an event with MTV my senior year in college and I trusted him to be a kind person and he turned out to be anything but.
Since speaking up he is now suing me for $100,000+ in defamation “damages” as I’m apparently meant to pay my rapist for not only raping me, but for warning my community and wanting closure on something that NEVER should have happened in the first place. But I need your help and support as I am getting into battle mode for my day in court.
God promised it to me long ago.
#MeToo #TheMeekSpeak
Molly Skye Brown
Maitland, FL