Memorial Fund for Kevin Redrico
It is a heavy heart that I share these news with you:
Kevin Redrico - a loving son and brother, gifted musician and actor, warm and endearing friend - has passed away on April 5, 2017. After a tireless month of wondering, waiting, searching, and hoping, it is a miracle that we finally found him.
Throughout his entire life, Kevin has had the support of countless friends and family that form a compassionate and strong community. If there was one beautiful moment to come out of this storm, it would be in seeing this community come together to help bring Kevin back home. Our family truly thanks each and every person who helped search for him on land and water, helped me with coordinating as best a rescue effort as we could, and provided food and resources for our search teams. We also want to give thanks to those who have donated generously toward the rescue fund drive for Kevin and to those who have given their time to support my family emotionally.
I want to personally and sincerely thank each and every donor who has contributed to our fund. This fund was started with every intention of saving Kevin's life and bringing back home with loving arms. Your donations were crucial in helping fund fliers, tents for the search headquarters, hiring professional search/rescue personnel, providing food/water/supples for search volunteers, and many other resources dedicated to bringing Kevin home. As we were able to finally find him after searching every single day, we will not be using the funds to hire a private investigator - as was previously stated.
In light of these tragic news, I would like to dedicate the rest of these funds toward giving Kevin the best memorial and farewell that we can offer. Your donations will help with numerous memorial services in the month of May - a visitation service to pay respects in person, a celebration of life filled with music by his friends and family on his birthday, a funeral service to commemorate his life and memory, and commital ceremonies to dedicate a place of memorial for Kevin.
On behalf of the Redrico and Alberto families and his friends, thank you all very much for your generous and kind support.
With my sincerest condolences and with much love,
Jonathan Redrico - Kevin's brother
Kevin on YouTube:
k.red music (post-2013) - youtube.com/user/kredmusic
music (pre-2013) - youtube.com/user/KRedrico
SanFran6 - youtube.com/channel/UCzFuLiySqjOrTR_EagEoXHQ
k.red TV - youtube.com/user/kredTVnow