AGT's Kadan & Brooklyn Rockett ILLEGALLY ARRESTED!
America's Got Talent's #KidMagicians Kadan & Brooklyn Rockett were ILLEGALLY ARRESTED and jailed for TWO DAYS & NIGHTS in solitary confinement! Most of the media reports are wrong because what happened to these innocent kids is way worse than what is being reported so far. I know because my husband and I are witnesses. Using force & arresting innocent kids is just plain WRONG! Handcuffs on kids? Officers not wearing masks during the middle of a pandemic? Officers further traumatizing innocent kids and not using common sense? How is this allowed to happen?
A Missouri Judge has locked these poor kids up TWICE now in just over a one year period. The Missouri Supreme Court has ordered him off the case and ruled what he did ILLEGAL! The Supreme Court ordered that his rulings be reversed in the interest of justice. Kadan & Brooklyn's legal fees are massive at this time. They desperately need our help. 100 percent of your donations go to Kadan & Brooklyn's legal fund to help them stand up for their rights and help keep this from happening to other kids as well. Right now, ANY donation of ANY amount will be instantly DOUBLED! A MAJOR CELEBRITY who has asked to remain anonymous has offered to privately double whatever we raise on this page!!!
News Article on the FIRST ILLEGAL LOCKUP by the Missouri Judge - Oct. 2019:
News Article on the SECOND ILLEGAL ARREST & JAILING from an order issued by the same Missouri Judge - Nov. 2020:
(There are hundred's of other news stories on this but so far, these are the most accurate. We will update this as more accurate articles are released. )
During their arrest on November 18th, 2020, I was personally there along with my Husband and we videoed it on our phones. We witnessed first-hand, everything that went down at their Grandmother's house. Those poor kids were terrified, crying and it is just WRONG for them to have used force on them after all they have been through. They refused to listen to what the kids were telling them and did not use the discretion that they should have when faced with a situation like this. Kadan and Brooklyn were harassed and deprived of sleep until nearly 4am when they were finally placed in their cells only to be woken up at 6 am for "breakfast"! Kadan reported a cockroach in his cell and not being able to sleep because of loud banging and people yelling in the cells around him. THEY SPENT TWO FULL DAYS AND NIGHTS IN JAIL, not one as most media is reporting! It is way, way worse than what the media reports have said. The things these kids have endured is something that NO KID SHOULD EVER HAVE TO GO THROUGH. Innocent kids should NOT be locked up for any reason.
This GoFundMe Account has been set up to assist them during this difficult time. After what they have been through they need counseling and other forms of support. They have massive continuing legal fees in Missouri, California and now Louisiana. They have a strong desire to create awareness of what they have gone through so they can hopefully enact change in the system that did this to them. They desire to set a precedence with case rulings and create future change with new legal filings that are specifically aimed at STOPPING this abuse. These rulings will help build case law to make sure this NEVER happens again to another child! I can think of no better advocates for minors in the family court system that these two well-spoken, amazing kids. My family and I have personally spent time with them, know their needs, desires and want to help them speak out, get their well-deserved justice and be the spark of a CHANGE in this messed up system!
ANY help you can offer will be greatly appreciated! Even $5 can help as it all adds up.
Financial help can be offered here thru this page. Questions or offers of legal help can be sent to them directly. I am including their social media contacts here as well. I along with many others from their hometown in Louisiana are surrounding them with love and support and together, we will get them through this, create awareness, set a precedence for other cases and hopefully keep this from happening to other kids in the future.Their public social media is:
Kadan Bart Rockett
Brooklyn Nicole Rockett
Additional Details:
On November 18th, 2020 while at the home of their Grandmother (who had recently passed away), Kadan and Brooklyn Rockett were approached by several law enforcement officers. They had a "Pickup Order" that was originally issued by Taney County Missouri Judge Eric Eighmy. Even though NO PARTIES INVOLVED LIVE IN MISSOURI, this judge accepted a case based on the fact that a divorce took place there over a decade earlier! He ignored the fact that there was already an open custody case in the State of California where the kids had been legal residents since 2010. This judge was previously the personal attorney for Kadan and Brooklyn's Grandmother (and should have recused himself for this reason alone) and had expressed bias opinions about them not being allowed to be in the entertainment industry saying that they should grow up "normal" and not "Hollywood kids". This, despite their success in the entertainment industry in Film/TV/Commercials and live entertainment. They are known world-wide for their time on NBC's America's Got Talent where they were known as the #KidMagicians and finished in the TOP 14.
The Missouri Supreme Court ruled on November 19th, 2020 that Taney County Judge, Eric Eighmy was WRONG in his rulings and issuance of his orders. The Supreme Court ordered him off this matter and that his recent orders issued over the past several months be overturned. They were NOT LEGAL! Unfortunately, this was AFTER both kids were placed under arrest because they respectfully refused to go with officers explaining to them various reasons for their continued refusal, INCLUDING that the orders were illegal and that the Missouri Judge should NEVER had been on this matter in the first place! Officers used force, including the use of handcuffs (BOTH children were handcuffed even though this only shows Kadan being handcuffed. Brooklyn was placed in cuffs at the Sheriffs' Office.) and sent to a Detention Center where they were place in solitary confinement and allowed no visitors. They asked for an attorney multiple times but were refused, even though they had been read their Miranda Rights and were told they "have a right to an attorney". They remained locked in a cell until the afternoon of November 20th when they were finally released once the Supreme Court order was received and registered. They have nightmares and were terrorized by the very court system that was supposed to PROTECT them.
#KidMagician #KidMagicians #AGT #InnocentKids #WrongfulArrest