Please help me pay for treatment surgeries & bills
So on Thursday, May 20th, 2021, I woke up and something seemed weird, I was seeing weird floaters in my eyes, and everything was more blurry than usual, so I decided to call the eye doctor, and I went the following day.
The following day, on Friday I went to the eye doctor, explained what was going on, and that point, I had almost no vision in my left eye, they did their usual tests,
and after that, I received not very good news, turns out I had prolific retinopathy
in my eyes, the left eye being worse than the right, and I was told I would need immediate surgery to fix it, or risk going blind..
So as of now, almost a week later, i've undergone one procedure, and was told
that I would need 3 more to save my vision, and that even with the 3 surgeries, I
may never regain my vision.
I'm making this to try and help with bills from my surgeries, and just life in general, any help is great appreciated, and I thank you for any help offered. I will continue
to update as more comes to light.