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An Invitation to Join Luis Daniel Gutierrez’ Support Team
Simply stated, we need your help. Many of you know Luis was diagnosed with Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 24 years ago. Luis was fortunate to have many years without any major MS challenges. He and Anna June worked hard to control the MS with nutrition, exercise, and alternative medicine. Last spring, he and Anna June moved to Washington State to help care for her father, who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and placed on home hospice. During the move, Luis suffered a devastating MS attack, causing tremendous damage, and escalating his condition to Secondary Progressive MS. Luis now has severe mobility issues, fatigue, and nerve damage to his right leg (leg drop), and spent most of the last year rehabilitating in bed. He and Anna June have consulted with several physicians, and undergone multiple MRIs, and other expensive tests to establish a treatment plan. Luis’ neurologist is on staff at the MS Center in Tacoma, WA, and upon meeting Luis, she was concerned with the amount of damage which happened so quickly. She has prescribed a new chemo infusion treatment, called Lemtrada, which he will begin May 8. Luis will undergo five infusions, each lasting eight hours. He will undergo this cycle again May, 2018. It is hoped he will not need more treatment for five years. Lemtrada is an aggressive treatment which disables the immune system in order to reboot a new system. It is an expensive treatment, costing more than $100K, of which medicare pays 80%. Anna June was able to find funding for the remaining costs. However, the medical bills continue to accumulate, and Luis needs a new walker, and a wheelchair.
Anna June and Luis would like to thank you for your love, and support over the years. Anna June starts a new job this month, which will alleviate some of the financial strain.

Any help would be appreciated, including prayers, good juju, positive vibes, and loving thoughts. Also, if you would share this within your own network, we would be very grateful.
Luis Daniel Gutierrez
Olympia, WA