Lance Adams Syndrome Survivor
– Johnathan Schanely – Lance Adams Syndrome Survivor-
-Air Force Veteran-
Bathroom project to bring Johnathan back home.
My son Johnathan wants to come home. He has been in five different hospital locations since his brain injury and cardiac arrest. As a result of this injury and five day coma, he has Lance Adams Syndrome. LAS abbreviated for Lance Adams Syndrome. is a very rare Syndrome. It’s documented less than 500 cases known Worldwide. He struggles with poor motor control and jerking that impairs all mobility and basis activities of daily Life. He requires 24-hour supervision/assistance for feeding, holding a glass with a straw for drinking, grooming, toileting, dressing, bathing, mobility, and voice tone/speech. Given the rarity of this syndrome, his prognosis is unclear and will require all levels of assistance.
He is currently in the polytrauma unit hospital.
For Johnathan to come home the bathroom needs redone. Our bathroom is small therefore a wheelchair is not going to fit in the bathroom. Per doctor a shower is needed, and the bathtub must go. In order to take out the bathtub, the toilet and vanity needs removal and flooring needs to go.
I got three estimates to redo the bathroom. 1) 8/18/2021 Quote $ 14,765 from 2) 8/18/2021 Quote $16,052 from 3) 9/01/2021 Quote $7,952 plus estimation $ 2,900 materials I need to buy. Total $10,952. I am choosing quote number three for $10,952 Hughes remodeling company for the bathroom project. (Enclosed Form). In addition to widen his bedroom door, install various grip handles in all walls to get around once he stands up
I am asking the public to assist me in this matter and your contribution can be tax deducted. If you want to be anonymous that is ok. I thank you for your support in this urgent matter. In addition, I thank you for the overwhelming number of messages, emails, texts, calls, cards and prayers we have received. Blessings, Debora Schanely. – Johnathan Schanely – Lance Adams Syndrome Survivor -