Laudate In the Lounge
Laudate in the Lounge's charity partner is Foodbank Australia. Due to your generous donations, we have now covered the cost of the production of Laudate in the Lounge, a virtual collaboration of AICSA choristers across the years. We hope you will be able to continue your generosity and support Foodbank.
Please see below for the wonderful work Foodbank are doing.
Foodbank Australia is the largest food relief charity in Australia, sourcing and rescuing more than 40 million kilograms of food annually for its networks of 2400 charity partners and 2000 schools.
The food Foodbank distributes is used in vital food relief programs such as community pantries and dining halls, mobile soup vans, emergency hampers and breakfast or lunch programs in schools.
Currently Foodbank Australia is providing emergency food and essentials to huge numbers of Victorians in need through the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Image: Red Cross in Victoria is working with the Victorian Government and other partners, including Foodbank, to get food and essential supplies to people most in need and required to self-isolate due to COVID-19. Our JJ is a Red Cross volunteer and recently delivered food from Foodbank to three Victorian households in need.