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It is time that addicts around the world united and become actively engaged in finding 21st Century innovative ways of taking back control of their lives. Worldwide Governments successfully act against communicative pandemics like HIV and COVID, however, seem to have been singularly ineffective in addressing societies pandemic ‘dis-ease’ of addiction, including but sadly not limited to cutting, obesity, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, over the counter medication, prescription medication, hard drugs, porn, alcohol, shopping, work, need I go on, because sadly I could. Therefore, perhaps it is time for us addicts to take responsibility for fighting back, on block. Join at no cost the New Age Addicts Alliance (New Age AA), a Non-Profit Organization that gathers, corelates, guides and advises on the latest tried and tested lifestyle repurposing therapies for treating addictions of all kinds.
For nearly 100 years Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Recovery Process and the AA Big Book with its various derivatives, interpretive studies and papers have all been the favored ‘Go-To’ for addicts. All of these genuine best efforts have delivered a Recovery Sector failure rate in excess of 80%.
Therefore, you have to ask:
1 Unless relapse and slips are conveniently considered to be part of the recovery process, what other sector clientele would tolerate a failure rate of 80%?
2 How many of us are still using 100 year old telephones or driving 100 year old cars or wearing the fashions of the Roaring Twenties or for that matter still think planet Earth is flat?
3 Why should addicts remain anonymous and shamed?
4 Do loving families have any alternative but to place a relapsed addict back into yet another costly Recovery Centre?
This is not a criticism of AA or any other entity looking to help addicts, but it is a call for a positive disruption of the current Addiction Recovery Sector. This call is for addicts around the world to start being part of the solution instead of being only the problem and hiding away in shame. Every single one of their bitter and hard earned experiences has taught many of them unique handling mechanisms that would no doubt help others, if only shared. Widely shared, not just in your small local Recovery Groups but globally where it can really help and make a difference.
The New Age Addicts Alliance is a proposed virtual recovery initiative founded by the Bloom Sisters, Sarah and Victoria, the Authors of the addiction self-help book entitled “Join Slayers of Discontent” and the subsequent “14 Step Sod-Off Journal”.
The Vision of ‘New Age AA’ is to become the preferred ‘GO-To’ recovery process for addicts of all kinds and at no extra cost to New Age AA Members. Right now New Age AA has three immediate Mission, that being: 1 - to increase the public profile for the Bloom Sisters by various Social Media platforms; 2- register New Age AA as a legal Not For Profit legal entity; and 3 - engage the Greenleaf Book Group, a top US based Publishing and Marketing Consultancy, to market, publish and distribute “Join the Slayers of Discontent” and the “14 Step Sod-Off Journal”.
Please seriously consider this invitation to participate by:
a) Passing this invitation on to as many of your family, friends and work colleague that may have been unfortunately impacted by addiction of some kind, one way or another.
b) Via this page, drop an email back to Sarah and Victoria saying ‘Thanks but no thanks’ or ‘Definitely want in to be a part of New Age AA’. I promise we will respond.
c) Make a donation on this crowd funding page if you wish to actively participate in getting New Age AA up and running. Those kindly donating loan capital of GBP25:00 or more shall become registered Founding Members of New Age Addicts Alliance NPO. As such you may be invited to become a Trustee of the NPO but will certainly receive an E-Book version of both “Join the Slayers of Discontent’ and the “14 Step Sod-Off Journal” pre-published manuscripts. This shall be followed, upon publication, by a Special Edition hard copy of the book, signed by the Authors with thanks to you, by name, as a Founding Member.
All royalties derived from 'Join the Slayers of Discontent' book sales (35 – 75% book cover price) shall accrue to New Age AA NPO for the sole purposes of repaying Founding Members loans plus interest, thereafter, funding the New Age AA virtual recovery network operations.
If nothing else at the very least start your personal journey to becoming a Slayer of Discontent by becoming a ‘Follower’ of us on
Lots of Love Sarah and Victoria
Colin Bloom