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Lauren Thomas Fund

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The Lauren Thomas Fund:

On behalf of the Thomas/ Abbott families, we would like to express their extreme gratitude for all the love and support from all of you. Please know that all donations will go straight into an account for Lauren and her family. Since Lauren has been diagnosed with (Hepatoblastoma) liver cancer, she has been fighting for her life everyday with the support of her loved ones. Lauren's cancer is being treated at DuPont Hospital, and we know that she will fight through this storm. Lauren is a fighter, and with all of your love, support, and prayer's she is that much stronger. Please help us by donating to the Lauren Thomas Fund and join us for a benefit to support Lauren's cause on November 16th, 2013. We will be updating the benefit information as soon as it is available. The money that we raise will make such an impact on Lauren's life! Keep praying that soon Lauren will be able to return to her home with her parents, and her two brothers. Feel free to check back for updates regarding Lauren's progress with her fight, and for the November 16th benefit in Lauren's name.

Created by Heather Lai


  • Colleen Kelly
    • $20
    • 10 yrs


Heather Lai
Newtown Township, PA

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