Feed Chicago
Hi Everyone,
As I was sitting down last night eating my dinner that just came off the grill, I realized how fortunate and blessed my family and I are to have access to this amazing meal. I also started to think about others whom for one reason or another do not have the opportunity to enjoy a good meal.
Then the idea occurred to me that perhaps with some effort and kindness maybe it is possible to share a nice meal with others. There are a handful of less fortunate individuals out there that would love to enjoy a delicious meal the same way you and I do.
My thought process is as follows, if we are able to generate a few hundred bucks then I will begin the process of coordinating cookout event with various intermediate residency housings or shelters in the illinois area (to start). I am open to ideas with regards to target places where we can make this happen, but as of now intermediate housings and/or shelters is the first thing that comes to mind. I am also open for preparing food and distributing to well known homeless areas (starting in Chicago). The intention is to start small and continue such efforts at least for the summer of 2021. If things go well then we hope to continue doing this past the summer.
I will lead all efforts related to coordinating the events, buying food, scheduling volunteers, etc. If there's interest from any of you, I will communicate updates and would love to have helping hands(volunteers) that want to share this desire to give. More details on this later.
The main goal of this gofundme is to extend kindness to others who are less fortunate.
Thank you all and hope to go on this exciting journey with your help and support.