Feed, Hay, Bedding, & Vet Care Fund
Friends of the Farm is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization responsible for the day-to-day care of the animals at the Lewis Oliver Farm, a small sanctuary in the heart of Northport Village.
Despite the fact that we are fully dependent on private donations to meet ALL of our animal-care related costs including feed, hay, bedding, housing, and veterinarian care, we have managed to keep the farm open for everyone in the community to enjoy without ever charging an admission fee of any kind. This, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and to the generosity shown to us from those who attend our events, respond to our annual appeal, and who support our efforts throughout the year.
But as our animals' needs are ongoing and our operating costs for hay, feed and bedding at $3k/month, barring no unforeseen need for veterinarian care, we need to make an appeal to the community for their support beyond our special events and year-end donation requests. Without doing so, we simply couldn't continue to provide the animals with the level of care they need and deserve.
So, if you love the animals and cherish the farm, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today, and ask your friends to do the same.
Donations of any size would be greatly appreciated and will help us to continue providing the animals with the type of care they need and to keep the farm going for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you for helping us take care of the animals. Your generosity and willingness to share this ongoing appeal for support are greatly appreciated!