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I'm 40 yrs old and before my metastatic melanoma dx on 10/18 I was in the best health of my life, Physically and mentally!

I've had a relationship with melanoma since I was 16 yrs old but I didn't even realize it!
I was a heavy tanner. The tanning bed was my best friend! Light therapy I called it. I tanned almost every day. When I got my own house I bough a tanning bed and tanned everyday. Blonde hair blue eyes fair skin I never looked tan enough. My dad screamed at me daily. Your gonna get skin cancer from that thing. Unfortunately at that age we are all invincible. Nothing bad will ever happen to us.

Fast forward to 30yrs old when I met my current fiancé. I had a mole on my torso. He constantly bugged me to go to the dermatologist to have it looked at. Once it started bleeding in 2011 I decided to go. I went to the dermatologist to get some wrinkle cream. I asked the dermatologist, by the way can you look at this mole? He freaked out and removed it right there in the office. 2 days later I got the call malignant melanoma. I was immediately scheduled for a wide excision resection and sentinode biopsy. The nodes that were removed were negative and margins were clear! I was in the clear!! I saw an oncologist every 6 months who ordered blood work and chest X-rays as well as the dermatologist who had removed several other moles all of which were benign. I was never offer ct scans or MRI's from the Onocologist. And I never took any chemo after the resection. I was repeatedly told by the Onocologist I was in the clear. On 11/2011 I had a skin lesion removed which was melanoma as well as some lymph nodes that were negative. The skin lesion was positive for melanoma. I've been seeing a local oncologist as well as Dermotologist every six months for skin checks, blood work and chest X-rays, with no signs of progression. Unfortunetly melamona tumors can not be seen in xrays or blood work, so the oncologist at PMC really dropped the ball. The three main places melanoma metastasizes to are the brain, lungs and liver. The best way to catch a spread of this AGRESSIVE cancer is thru MRI's to the brain and ct scans every six months for 3-5 yrs

Fast forward to July 2014. I went to my family dr with complaints of dizziness headaches numbness in my extremities and uncoordination episode (once) in my hand. Also chest pain. He ran tests..... Bloodwork, fecal, more bloodworm, EKG's,stress test. His concern was parasites due to what I do for a living (I'm a Vet Tech). All negative. I told my boss and coworkers on many occasions that something was just not right and if I pass out call 911. I had a few episodes of confusion, but passed it off as being understaffed and overworked.

I was admitted to the hospital 10/18/14
I have been having dizzy spells with lack of coordination. After going to the ER They did a brain scan and found three lesions on my brain. They admitted me to Lehigh valley and found three more in my lungs. They did a biopsy of the lung and it is melonoma.

They scheduled me on 10/27/14 to do gamma knife radiation to the lesions on my brain. One is very small and the other two are only about 11-12mm which is considered small. After a few weeks they will scan again to see if the gamma knife shrunk them. They say they typically have good results with small lesions and gamma knife. They will start chemo a few weeks later. They have some really great chemo meds that have just came out of trails and are on the market that have shown promise to create long remission times. I feel pretty good about the team of drs. They claim to be the experts in research and treatment of metastasized melonima along with three other hospitals they work closely with. They seem very confident they can help me. I'm doing pretty good mentally. I'm just trying to stay positive and trust in my team of drs. Adam my fiancé has been very supportive and I am so lucky to him

The type of chemo they are using is called immunotheraphy and basically puts the body's cells in over drive to kill the cancer. It also destroyed the autoimmune system along the way so it is very risky. It's is called Ipilimumab. It works with a trial drug Nivolumab put the brakes on the cancer. It's IV every 21 days hopefully I can get all four combo doses and then mantis emcee doses of the Nivolumab.

In the mean time I was scheduled to have received 1 combo treatment of Ipilimumab and Nivolumab on December 4th and I receive the second treatment on December 24th. I was due for a third dose on January 14th. I was feeling pretty good from the treatments. A bit fatigued, but I was working out doing yoga and some calesthetics daily. Eating very well and trying do some daily chores around the house

I had my annual vacation planned to punta cana January 19-29th and was looking forward to going another couple and Adam.

On January 8th I was admitted to Lehigh valley hospital with servere colotis. Basically 10-15 liquid diarrhea in an 8hr period. This is one of the more common auto immune responses the drs expect to see with immunotheraphy for the Melanoma. The drs immediately put me on 200mgs IV of a strong prednisone (not sure of the name)
My CRP (inflammation blood leveles) where 50. Average is 0-5 but over 24 hrs of the IV prednisone they had leveled out to 5. Drs kept me 6 days just for observation and till my bowel movements went back to normal.

Dr sent me home on 120mgs of prednisone, famotidine, antibiotic,(Bactrim) and an anti viral (valtrex). Just to protect me while on vacation. Since I was on such a large steriod dose. and blessings for a fun safe trip, with the promise to email if anything went wrong.

I loaded up on SPF 50&70 I took 8 bottles with me. Stayed in the shade. Bought a bunch of cute hats long sleeve tunics, long dresses and stayed in the shade. My understanding was the meds can aggravate my skins sensitivity to the sun and there was no way I was getting sun burn.

About 6 days in I developed a debilitating rash. More like servere swollen itchy sun burn. Pretty much everywhere. I was miserable. I couldn't wear any of the cute clothing I bought. I had to wear flip flops because my ankles and knees were so swollen. And on top of that I felt like the food was making my lips and mounts swollen. And I LOVE SPICY FOOD. I tried everything, no relief. Emailed dr said hydrocortisone cream. Aloe or come home. I miserablely toughed it out. But prayed the days went quick and couldn't wait to come home.

We got home Thursday the January 29th around 10pm. I woke up at 2am(Friday) with extreme pain in my legs. Called dr on call. They said ER immediately for fear of blood clots. Got to the ER around 5am pain subsided, but they did ultrasounds of my legs any way to check for clots. & Pulled blood Which I didn't have clots. They sent me home (Friday around 10am) stating I was dehydrated. I saw my Onocologist and he said the rash on my body was autoimmune and to expected with immunotheraphy. And the steriods should help and he. Drew some blood work to check those (CRP immflamuation levels)

On a side note. I have made it my mission from day 1 of DX to drink 100oz to a gallon of water a day exercise daily and eat as clean as possible to aid in overall healthy and recovery.

Friday after I got home I cleaned out the chicken coop made dinner. Drank tons of water. Took my pm meds and went to bed. I felt my face get a bit swollen and very flushed but contributed it to the fact I was anxious I might have pain again. Around 11pm I woke up with worse pain that ever. I used over 6 lidoderm patches on my legs and took 6-7 Percocet throughout the night and the pain and inflammation in my legs would not subside. Not Even alittle. So it was back to the ER in the am.

They admitted me and gave me Morphine which was the only thing that helped. That was Saturday morning. Tons of blood work. They did a bone scan to be sure the melanoma wasn't spreading to my bones. Which it didn't. And they contributed it to an autoimmune response to the treatment RA also. I met with 20 plus drs including rheumatologist all who denied RA or any autoimmune RA type dx based on Bloodwork an physical examination.

Monday morning about 10 minutes after taking my am meds I had the same reaction. This time I felt like my throat was closing in. They blamed it on pushing the steriod IV too quick. I suffered all day. It felt like someone was beating my entire body with a burning hot cactus. More blood work exams tons of drs. By 9pm it had subsided.
The next doses the nurses pushed the IV very slow. And no reaction.
Wednesday morning about 10 minutes after the am meds I had the same reaction. This time worse.

Figured out the drug I was getting Friday, Monday, and Wednesday I was highly allergic to and was causing all these issues, leg pain, rash swelling. Basically anafalaxics.

If I wasn't on the high dose steriod I probably would have died.

So now I'm home.
I'm on a high dose steriod 160mgs a day. They obviously took me off that drug I'm allergic to. But the steriods have me so bad I can barely function.

Very dizzy, SHAKEY, unstable, blurred vision. And just basically bed ridden. They are slowly weining me down off the steriod. I think I'm down to 120mgs today and hopefully 100mgs by Monday and so on. I can't drive , I can barely function. But once they have be down to an acceptable level I should be able to get back on track.

They did a brain MRI while I was in the hospital. None of the tumors lit up in fact there was slight shrinkage and the density of they was much lower.
The lungs masses, the two small ones shrunk ever so slightly. However the larger one was was very inflamed with fluid around it as well as some fluid near the lower lobe. The dr said that the fluid and inflammation is very likely from the allergic reaction to the Bactrim. I saw the oncologist and he did a quick chest X-ray which showed no more fluid.
Two weeks later I was admitted back into the hospital with another allergic reaction to the new antibiotic dapsone. It caused my red blood cells to deplete oxygen from my body and die off and filter out of body,. My body couldn't replace them with new rbc quick enough so my RBC count was so low. 7.3 normal 12 so I stayed in the hospital for a week and received a blood transfusion. When I got home I could not walk ,I was considered a fall risk and they wouldn't let me out of bed . The high dose of steriods destroyed all the muscle in my legs. My thighs were the size of my biceps and I lost 8lbs in 5 days laying in bed in the hospital. I have since rehabbed myself and have gained back my weight and my leg strength.

Now I'm home again being weened down from the massive dose of steriods. I'm down to 20-10mg every other day. I need to be down to 10 mg for two weeks with no side effects for two weeks before I can restart treatments. In the process of being weened down I developed a terrible rash on my face, and multiple loose BM daily. So the oncologist uped the steriod dose once again. In the meantime I'm required to take a depo shot every 3 months. And I have developed hypothyroidism, and my hair is falling out (I have not received a cancer treatment since 12/24) so it's either related to the depo shot or the hypothyroidism which they want to put me on synthroid fort he thyroid (more drugs) which mean more side effects.
They started me on the sythroid 3 weeks ago, my hair is still falling out in hand fulls. It really sucks.
I finally got weened off the steriods. Down to 5mg every other day. And I had a cancer treatment on Friday.

Physically I feel great just a bit fatigued, but it's been almost 4 months since my last chemo treatment.

I will have a treatment of mono therapy Nivolumab every other Friday. However I had an MRI last week that showed three new brain masses. So I will have to have the gamma knife again. The good news is the old masses didn't show up at all in the latest MRI.

So I had a brain MRI done 5 weeks post gamma knife June 15/15, 4 more tumors popped up in my brain. My lung tumor is just as large and an old tumor light up in a pet scan along with three very large lymph nodes.

I will have gamma knife radiation again on July 13th.

Clearly the treatments are failing so my plea is try holistic forms of medicine. Currently I take about 20 supplements daily, along with juicing organic veggies and fruit. I've also taken on the hobby of growing wheat grass. Which is supposed to be excellent for cancer control.

In two weeks mid July 2015 I will be starting new chemo in a pill form. The pill, is supposed to be very effective for my mutation of cancer, but durable. Meaning it keeps the tumors at bay 8-18 months in the holes a new treatment will become available.

My reason for opening this account is to start a new endeavor in medicinal alternatives which are too expensive fir me to afford on my own. They are so many success stories, that how can I not want to try the treatment. I just want to live and I am willing to do whatever it takes.

People hear cancer and unless it has touched them or their family in some way, it is in some cases just a curse word ......

I have cancer. I don't have the flu. This is not going away over night with some over the counter medication.

Everyday I have different issues that affect the way I feel physically or mentally.

I have headaches, body aches, joint pain, diarrhea, chest pain, lack of coordination and extreme fatigue.

I have mental defects that disallow me to interact with people, pay attention, comprehend things and express myself, and also effect my vision.

I have developed additional illnesses that have caused me to have physical changes in my appearance, huge round face, severe acne and now a large amount of hair loss, and probably some of my day to pain and exhaustion. These new illness will now require me to take more medication, which will cause other side effects, that will Need to be addressed and is that worth it?

These physical, mental and appearance issues are not easy to deal with on a day after day basis. And if it's not one thing it's something else, and it's always something, and always will be until I either beat this or die.

I have tried my best to stay positive, desire to fight, and do everything in the best interest of fighting this terminal disease. Which happens to be stage IV unrestectable metastic melanoma. One of the most AGRESSIVE forms of cancer.

I have anxiety, depression,fear and guilt. But I try my hardest to keep it to myself as to not burden those around me.

My life revolves around my cancer, the simple things like am I eating right, should I be exercising, how much sleep did I get, what weird symptom do I have today and what does it mean and what is it from? Constant research online regarding diets, supplements, treatment plans, Drs. drugs, side effects, others journeys, others who have survived, others who have not survived. Medial survival rates. Are the Drs. acting in my best interest? Do they even know what they are talking about or are they just reading off a protocol set by the drug company's. Where are these side effects coming from, which drug is causing them, why do the Drs. continue to give me these drugs if the side effects are so severe? And when am I going to get my life saving treatment so I can be normal again. Will I ever be normal again? Will I be abandoned? Will I die alone?

There is no way anyone who has not been diagnosed with a terminal disease can ever begin to imagine how each day changes.


  • Patti Bolton
    • $50
    • 8 yrs
  • Devon Storm-Boyd
    • $100
    • 9 yrs
  • Peggy Meyer
    • $100
    • 9 yrs
  • Jeff Bunker
    • $100
    • 9 yrs
  • kathleen slattery
    • $35
    • 9 yrs


Linda Woerner
Sierra View, PA

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