Diagnosed But Determined- Donating 40k Kids Books
Chances are if you're here, you probably already know my WHY behind this campaign. I appreciate you for being here. For those that don't know me or my story yet, I'm Samantha Stewart & I am going to try to explain this with enough motivation for you to be inspired as much as I am.
I was recently diagnosed with a rare brain aneurysm in my main artery. Yes, it depressed me. Yes, it's terrifying. I spent over a month sunk into my couch questioning everything about my life as it flashed through my thoughts at rapid speed. I'm not gonna lie, it was the hardest point of my life outside of watching my dad die from his ruptured aneurysm years ago. In life, we have choices and these choices can change our outlook.
My choice was to see my diagnosis from another angle other than fear.
I had to put in a lot of emotional work to achieve this. I still deal with these emotions when they try surfacing on me. My WHY in my life at that point flooded my thoughts like a tsunami of a powerful movement. Simply, if I felt this devasted, taken back, fearful and angry- then I couldn't imagine how kids regardless of their age having to deal with the same emotions were coping. So how can I help? What can I do that will have a potentially life-changing impact?
Sometimes it is that one random book you find that changes your life. You didn't think you needed it, but there it was. A random blessing of sorts. I want to be that "random" book for so many. I have written and illustrated a kid's book called MAKING SUNSHINE. Making sunshine is about changing your thoughts and changing your life. It's about being able to transform into a superhero by removing the dark cloud that you have created through sadness and fear and turning it into sunshine, into the light. Our thoughts are a powerful asset to our lives regardless of what we have going on inside them.
My soon-to-be-released book Making Sunshine will be available on Amazon in print and e-book. My give back is to donate & personally deliver 40,000 copies to as many Children's Hospitals and Foster Agencies across the United States. This is where you come in. Let me throw several quick breakdowns in here for you on how even $1 donations can help.
$250,000 campaign goal.
$5 / book print cost x 40,000 copies=$200,000
not including tax & travel expenses
250,000 people donate only $1
50,000 people donate only $5
10,000 people donate only $25
2,500 people donate $100
250 people donate $1,000
This campaign is able to be shared throughout the US. There are 11.7 million people who live in my home state of Ohio alone. This is an example of the magnitude of potential support. I believe in myself and the kindness of others. Let's do this!