Help Mark Townsend Stand for Life
Donation protected
Supporters post Election Update
Thank you so much! just want to say a huge thank you for your support in prayer, donations, encouragement, attending hustings, votes
[Please very important If you have made a donation over £50 or Anonymously please let me know at votelife.co.uk/donate so I can carry out the eligibility checks.]
We are so grateful to God to report Over 1 million leaflets were delivered into homes in 22 constituencies across the nation thanks to your support!
That’s over a million people who cannot in good conscience deny the humanity of the unborn - having seen the beautiful body of a 6 week embryo.
It has been wonderful to see individuals and churches mobilised for the unborn
And over 5,000 individuals put their vote to the cause - considering this to be a voting issue.
May God bless you for your support in this, and may we, the people of God, continue to pray into protection and justice of our most vulnerable neighbours, the babies in their mother’s wombs. May God have mercy and heal our land
HELLO my name is Mark Townsend, I am standing as an independent candidate in the general election on July 4th for Rugby.
Please note: On the 20th of June 2024 I had to raise my initial target of £1,300 as the printing costs for the election leaflets are coming in much higher than anticipated. Thanks beforehand for all your support.
Why am I standing?
Every year in the UK we intentionally killed around 250,000 unborn babies in the womb. In fact since abortion was first legalised in 1967 we have killed a staggering 10 million babies in the womb, thats the whole population of London. Most recent figures show that abortions increased 17% last year! None of the major political parties have set out any plans to address this injustice and some have laid out clear plans to make it worse!
God hates the shedding of innocent blood and He is calling his church to intervene (Proverbs 24:11-12).
How has abortion got this bad?
Put simply it’s got this bad because unborn babies have been deliberately dehumanised by the abortion industry. When a baby isn't wanted it stops being a baby but suddenly becomes a ‘fetus’ or a ‘pregnancy’. This is an inconsistency that needs to be addressed with truth and love and what better time to address it than in electoral season.
What I am doing to fix it?
There is no easy solution to the genocide of abortion, however a good starting point is simply re-humanising the baby. By standing as an independent candidate I will have an opportunity to do just this by getting this image into tens of thousands of homes in our constituency.

How will the money be used?
By helping me raise £1,680 you will pay for my deposit (£500) and also the cost of printing the leaflets (£1,180). None of the money will go to me directly, and a full record of candidate spending will and permissibility checks will be undertaken in compliance with the law and that information about donations, including donor details may be published.
*If you have made a donation over £50 or Anonymously please let us know at votelife.co.uk/donate so we can carry out the eligibility checks.
Donations are regulated by 1. Schedule 2A, paragraph 6(1) Representation of the People Act 1983 (RPA 1983)
We will also need to check permissible for donations over £50 under Electoral commission rules, please not we might contact you to ensure this is the case. Returning Officers make returns prepared by candidates available for inspection after elections. The money you use to make a donation must be from your own funds. By making a donation to this campaign you understand and accept the following: If I am making a donation of more than £50, checks will be made to ensure my name is included on a UK electoral register (excluding the Isle of Man and Channel Islands). My name and the amount I have donated will be included in the candidate return submitted after the election. This information will be available for public inspection on request, although my home address will not be made public.
*If you have made a donation over £50 or Anonymously please let us know at votelife.co.uk/donate so we can carry out the eligibility checks.
Any additional donations to Vote Life beyond the target set will allow us to contribute towards other candidate deposits, printing costs, training events, PO Box purchase, transport and video production.
Promoted on behalf of Mark Townsend by Christian Hacking, Vote Life, PO-BOX 1370, LONDON, BR7 9DQ
What is my relationship with Vote Life?
For the record I heard about vote life through Brephos, another pro-life organisation. I met Christian Hacking at one of their conferences and I have full confidence that he and the process he has set up is both reliable and trustworthy. I am also confident that all funds will be spent in a trustworthy, transparent and accountable manner.
For the babies and their mothers please support me and Vote Life!
For more information visit Vote Life
Yours sincerely,

Vote Life