Prayers & Funds for Mason & Madilyn
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Let's all keep Ian McIntire, Brittani McIntire and their family in our prayers. This is the sweetest family and they deserve nothing but the best! Continued prayers are GREATLY welcomed and appriciated!
Here is the latest on Mason and Madilyn..
"From the beginning, doctors told us that we would most likely lose Mason at some point throughout our pregnancy. We tried to stay positive and keep our hopes up that God would heal our baby boy. Week after week, I continued to hear his sweet little heart beating which gave me more and more hope the farther I was getting in my pregnancy. I was told so many miracle stories and was even given hope by our dr that he just might pull through this. That hope was shattered yesterday afternoon when my dr sat down and discussed the findings of our last sonogram...
Mason has a large hole in the bottom part of his heart that dr said would not close up on it's own due to the size and the location. His vessels that connect to the bottom of his heart are supposed to be crossed and are parallel which would affect his blood oxygen. His only chance of survival would be heart surgery which they couldn't do because of all of his other problems. Bringing me to his brain, which did not develop correctly leaving us with a big term meaning, not compatible with life. And with only weighing 9oz at 26 weeks, he would not be big enough or strong enough to make it through a heart surgery even if his brain wasn't a factor.
In conclusion, our dr informed us that most likely we will lose him before delivery, but if he made it to birth, we would not be bringing our son home from the hospital.
Our hearts are broken and our emotions are conflicting as we prepare to welcome our baby girl and bury our baby boy. It's not supposed to be this way. As we near the end of our pregnancy, we will be taking each day one day at a time, and thanking God for each day we are blessed with the gift of Mason's life. We would greatly appreciate prayers for peace and comfort for our family throughout this time. If God heals him and we are able to bring him home, then what a huge testimony he will be to God's miracles. But if He decides to take him home, then we will have comfort knowing that we will always have a special angel watching over us. Thank you♡"
(Baby Mason grasps on to Madilyn's finger in sonogram)
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Keeley Taylor
Hutchinson, KS
Brittani McIntire