Charlotte "Mumzee" Taylor's Legacy
Donation protected
Charlotte "Charlie/Mumzee" Caroline Taylor
Passed away at the age of 57 during open heart surgery.
Charlotte was born prematurely with an underdeveloped heart. At the age of 49, it'd become apparent that she needed some extra help due to a murmur and being that one of her valves was calcifying. 7 years ago, she had it replaced with a cow valve. Some of you may realize how much she utterly loved cows.
(After her surgery in 2015)
Her bovine valve was a source of pride, but after so long it began to fail. December 27th, 2022 she had gone into surgery to replace her failing bovine aortic valve with a mechanical valve. What would have typically been a 3–5-hour surgery took 4 hours merely to get through scar tissue from her previous heart surgery. 6 grueling hours after everything the doctors could think of, including emergency bypass surgery to get more blood to her heart, was attempted to get her heart pumping by itself again. In a moment of hope and congratulations, as they were mending her chest back together, her heart neglected to pump on its own once again. At 9 hours in, the doctors reported that they were at a loss and were literally pumping her heart with their hands. There was nothing more they could do. 10 hours in she was pronounced dead.
Though in her passing, she is one of the most grieved people I've ever known of, the astonishment is in the consistent experience of those grieving being able to distinctly hear her laugh postmortem.
(Link of her laughing with Banjo, Kamo and Jazzlyn)
In this, you may find some solace in knowing you are not alone in your grief, but I am not inclined to lead you on. This is a fundraiser. We, Mumzee's family, are asking for money. This is something that Charlotte, herself, needed to do in order to see herself through recovery had things gone differently, however, she had postponed it, out of fear of being a burden. In reading this you will find out about her medical history, what she wanted, what is to be anticipated, how she will be remembered, how we are including you and when/if/since you have the means, how you can help lift the weight from our shoulders in our grief and help make all this happen. Though money is a valuable and needed resource for us at this time, it is not the only way to help; please stay tuned.
[DISCLAIMER: I understand this is long. If this is concerning to you feel lucky this isn't the book, yet, and know that we have compartmentalized the text into sections for the convenience of skipping ahead. Alas the woman, the love she gave and the life she led were an epic in themselves and there is a lot to be said in her honor and regarding her memory.]
Despite a long list of challenging health issues, she would have to address during and after recovery (a meniscal tear in her knee which would hinder her smooth recovery and later need surgery to mend, a pending neck surgery to reform her skeleton, a blood clot in her right arm and hounding dental issues) Charlotte had every intention of joining us back on this plane.
(Mumzee with her grandbabies this last Thanksgiving)
Easily seen through her jovial nature, high spirits and laughter as she was wheeled back to surgery, she celebrated her anticipation of a long life with her community and loved ones; particularly her grandchildren, Jethro and Jazzlyn, as well as her eldest son, Jacob Scott who, unfortunately, became distanced partly due to her moving to the NW. In the past few months, they became much closer. This was something Charlotte was ecstatic and so satisfied about; to be able to be there for Jacob to every degree she could. Jacob, her pride in you was matched by the joy she got from your closeness. In the past several months seldom did a visit pass that she didn't express excitement and gratitude for you.
(Charlie with her oldest son, Jacob)
She entered this world at 3lbs 14oz with a heart murmur, the doctors insisted that her mother stop pumping breast milk as newborn Charlotte Caroline Scott would soon leave this world. All things considered, from the moment she was born premature, to the day she finally died at the age of 57, every moment we had with her was nothing short of a miracle and a blessing, much less the epic life she lived and the impact she bore on us all. Quaintly put: "WOW..."
(Baby Charlotte)
The odds are, if you knew Charlie, you were touched deeply by her. Whether you have known her all of her or your life, or you've met her since her "great awakening" (so-called by Banjo) that led her to be the sound healer/spiritual mentor/Dr. of Divinity (official title) she was, there's no denying the sincerity and passion that poured out of her with every step on this planet. It is indeed that which made her great that took her life; her ever-loving heart. Though she anticipated more time with us on this plane, I dare say she achieved the greatness that she was destined for. I feel the desire to clarify, that though I am biased, I do not say she achieved greatness from my account, but from the amount of love I've witnessed poured over and on top of her since the very moment, she was pronounced dead. If love were water, she is surely communing with the whales.
(art by Charlotte's niece, Sarah Swedlow. Partly inspired by Mumzee's passing)
Untamable. Righteous. Intense. Ethereal. Beautiful. Heartfelt. Genuine. Hilarious. Deep. Smart. Intuitive. Attuned. Helpful. Insightful. Thoughtful. Passionate. Spiritual. Wise. Mumzee had a superpower; You could not help but fall in love with her. It was a love that, unless boundaries had been crossed, was requited with warmth. She belonged to all of us. No one person could keep her for long, but she deserved all the love in the world because she could match it. If she were a dove, the only way to hold her is with palms wide open, allowing her to fly away and come back on her own accord.
She came into this world energetically in service to those around her. I was born unto her and had the great privilege with my older brother to be raised by her, with the exception of times when it was left up to us to do the raising. I've always known her to aim to have the best possible impact without being any burden on anyone. She left this world the same way. "If I die, I don't care about my body. It's an empty vessel. Just get rid of me the cheapest way possible." Though she did enjoy the finer things, it was common of her to deny what she deserved out of fear of being a burden. To this, I say, "Nay, Mumzee, you are worth far more than whatever the cheapest option is." Far more, indeed. And it is far from the truth, that to honor you in a way that is suited to your greatness is a burden, but it is an honor. With the help of Mrs. Kamo Youngblood, we have found a suitable option: Through a service called Herland Forest, for $2,700, we will her body completely composted by the end of Summer. Afterward, the service will return to us 250-300lbs of soil turned from Mumzee's remains. Here is a quote from the director runs Herland Forest and a picture from him from January 28th.
"The laying in happened on Jan 28. The actual laying was uneventful, but no sooner was the Cradle closed than it started snowing heavily. That night the temp dropped to 4ºF. In all, we got another 6 inches that afternoon before the snow stopped falling."
(Mumzee, Kushmanda her box truck and Revolujahs helping deliver food to the hungry every Sunday in Eugene)
Charlotte Loved the community/ies she invested herself in building. For her, it was abundantly obvious that her efforts in community growth around central Oregon were directly in harmony with the good work of bringing heaven to earth. For Mumzee, as well as I, Banjo, this is a very real job with a very tangible outcome. Assisting in building these communities in the Pacific NW has just been a mere stepping stone in the impact toward the logistics of this Mission. Her surgery and recovery were all we were waiting for before launching the big plan, A Family Circus. Previously known as the Revolujahs and the Medicine Show Revival, we are rebranding as The Youngblood Family Medicine Show. Though she loves her community, she was undeniably Mumzee of the Revolujahs, and this was the plan: To travel across the country putting on weeklong free events amongst more rural areas and communities in which we would have skill shares, lectures and workshops during the day and entertainment in the evening. These events are fun enough incentive to bring a community together in order to showcase resources and tools that can help make a community strong and resilient in a digestible, fun and silly way. This Caravan bound for glory was and is our vision and effort in creating a foundation that nurtures passion as a priority, creating safe havens for people dedicated to growth and harmony, and collecting people and resources dedicated and capable of bridging Heaven and Earth. In memory of our Dr. Of Divinity, we are planning a weeklong mobile party (partly inspired by Bryan Taylor and the Houston Art Car Club's mobile parties) in late March/early April. During which we will be visiting places that were dear to Mumzee and holding a variety of memorial services including planting trees from her soil, burning pyres of wishes and gratitude, song and dance circles and more. She's going to love it. It will be sickeningly Mumzee.
(From left to right: Charlie's brothers David, Michael and Sean Scott. Her father David "Scotty/Pops" Scott in the front)
Her home in Houston with her family and her community in Central Oregon are notably two different worlds. Her family knew her, and on occasion got to soak her up when they could, but I believe it would be a downright shame if they did not get to experience the scope of the impact that their mother/sister/daughter/aunt/lover left in her wake. A portion of funds has gone into the Youngblood's adventure to Houston via plane, for a celebration of life with her family, friends and community in Houston. We will continue planning and preparing for an event in Oregon, late Summer, with hopes for Charlotte's family to join us during her memorial. Though I'm sure her gifts will keep on giving, one of the greatest gifts she has to offer in her passing is a strengthening of our community.
Though I know of many SCHEME MCs (Support Clubs Humbly Elevating the Memory of Eternal Mumzee Charlie) who will be holding many memorial services around the country (stay tuned on Charlie's Facebook to remain aware of when and where), but the Official SCHEME MC is road bound and has an epic celebration in her memory planned early Spring. We are sincerely hoping you will be there.
If you are wanting to help organize this event, be a host to a location along the way, or participate in any aspect of arrangements or questions, contact Charlotte's daughter-in-law, Kamo Youngblood at [phone redacted].
“Come, come, whoever you are,
wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving,
it doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times.
Come, come again, come.”
-Rumi (Shared to Banjo by Mumzee in the vision of the Revolujahs)
(Interview with the Revolujahs by David Hazen)
Now, naturally, there are those things that come with the passing of someone close. The sorting and divvying, the tracking and paying, the grieving, planning, the tying of loose ends. These things are factored into our goal with a grace period of 3 months to allow us time with family in which we can spend time honoring, grieving (and appropriately celebrating) the life of one Miss Charlotte "Mumzee/Charlie" Taylor and planning and visiting family in Houston without having to worry about work. Our goal, after parsing it out, is 20k. If everyone who was touched by her love gave as they can, with the gift of grace and appreciation, we shall probably exceed this and for that, we are extremely grateful.
(Jethro, baby Jazzlyn, Kamo and Banjo at the Flynn Creek Circus)
Estimated Summary of costs
Total for flights up to $5,800
-Flights for family members to and from Texas for multiple services up to 9 flights for family to come experience how she impacted them here in Oregon $4500
-Flights for Banjo, Kamo, Jethro and Jazzlyn to fly to Texas to celebrate her with family $1300
Total expenses for Banjo fam $5,600
-Three months for Banjo, Kamo, Jethro and Jazzlyn to grieve, sort belongings and settle Charlie's estate. Rent, electric, propane, bills = $2400 ($800 x 3 months)
-Cost to take care of debt, repairs to vehicle and other legal things in order, stuff we like to ignore and pretend doesn't exist but makes our life harder by ignoring and Charlie would have wanted us to not have to worry about = $3200
Total for Charlie's bills $2,250
-To keep her cell phone on for 3 months to notify friends $150 ($50 x 3 months)
-Vehicle title registration transfer $300
-Unexpected expenses that might come up
-Mumzee merch, t-shirts/gift bags/etc and celebration of life events +$1,800
Total funding goal to take care of all of Charlotte and family's expenses = $19,350 rounded to $20,000
-Human composting $5,500
-Flights $5,800
-Charlie bills $2,250
-Expenses to give her family time to grieve $5,600
Ways you can help the immediate family that are non-monetary
-A meal train for the Youngbloods
-Calling for crafters to take some of her extensive collection of fabrics and crafts to turn them into Mumzee "merch" to give out to those who loved her. As well as creating pieces for shrines for ceremonies.
-Tree starts, plants and seeds to be collected for planting with Charlie's soil all over this country
-Hosts and collaborators at different properties and locations to help with her celebration of life parade and other gatherings
-Boxes for shipping Charlotte's items to loved ones and to sell to help with fundraising.
-Helping hands to move items back and fort from her storage unit.
-The Youngbloods are needing building materials including wood, metal, insulation, hardware, time, etc. to convert their 40-foot school bus into a home on wheels. This will help ensure that Charlie's next of kin will be able to pursue their dreams that she was so adamant about participating in.
Should we reach this goal, a mere "Thank you" would not seem enough. We would hope you would choose to make it to her service early Spring; dates will be announced as soon as our venue knows availability. Should we exceed these goals, the excess will go to achieving a realized vision of a Youngblood Family Medicine Show: The Community Forward Circus.
Though her passing comes as a shock to everyone, she would argue that this is a loss. She would stand in confidence and satisfaction that we have yet another powerful ally on the other side helping create the new world. Expect at times that this will feel like a loss, and then allow her warmth to wash over you. Let her serve, now, as a muse to carry on paving each step with sincerity and passion for the world you want to live in.
This world is sacred, and she knew it. This world and what we make of it belongs to our children, and that's why she did what she did. Allow forgiveness, learn your boundaries, serve your community, and dedicate yourself to the things you are passionate about.
"Live life for the toe curlers" -Charlotte Taylor
(Interviews of Charlie by David Hazen)
Thank you for Everything, Mumzee.
With Love and Gratitude for a Damn Good Run,
Banjo Youngblood
(Charlie praying)
Kamo Youngblood
Cottage Grove, OR