N95 masks for NYC hospitals
N95forNYC | Donate to Protect Our Frontline Healthcare Professionals
N95forNYC 助力纽约抗疫捐赠倡议
As the COVID-19 crisis escalates in New York City, hospital staff and other frontline professionals are facing severe shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), as there is a supply shortage not only in the domestic market, but also globally. The lack of proper PPE would pose great risk to the medical workers and patients alike. To protect our medical workers is to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community.
We are a group of professionals in New York City working in art, finance, law, business administration and other areas, and have established a mutual aid group N95forNYC to secure resources and support for the medical works in our local community and the greater New York area. As of today, we have secured access to a high volume of CDC approved N95 respirators, surgical masks, and other PPE from trusted suppliers in China and in the U.S.A, we will order in bulk and distribute the much needed personal protective equipment (PPE) directly to NYC hospitals and first-responders over the course of the coming weeks.
We are asking for your help to raise funds so that we can place our orders as soon as possible to ensure the timely arrival of the goods in the U.S.A.100% of your donations will be used directly for the purchase and delivery of N95 masks, surgical masks and other personal protective equipment. We will keep detailed records of our orders, shipping and funds distribution, and will notify our donors in time of updates and progress.
We are in direct contact with frontier healthcare workers and will make sure that the supplies will be put into their hands without too many bureaucratic delays. Hospitals and healthcare providers we have donated directly include (list will be updated):
Bellevue Hospital
Bronxcare Hospital Center
Brookdale Hospital Medical Center
Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Burke Rehab Hospital
Elmhurst Hospital
Flushing Hospital Medical Center
Healthland Medical Care
Interfaith Medical Center
Isabella Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
Jacobi Medical Center
Jersey City Medical Center
Kings County Hospital Center and University of Brooklyn
Lincoln Medical Center
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Long Island State Veterans Home
Maimonides Medical Center
Manhattanville Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Mount Sinai East
Mount Sinai Harlem
Mount Sinai West
Montefiore Medical Center
Montefiore Medical Center (Children's hospital)
Montefiore Medical Center Einstein Campus
Nassau County University Medical Center
New York Presbyterian Hospital Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
New York Presbyterian Hospital Columbia University Medical Center
New York Presbyterian Hospital Lower Manhattan Hospital
New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell Medicine
New York Presbyterian Hospital Queens
North Central Bronx Hospital
Northwell Hospital Testing Center for COVID19
NYU Langone Hospitals Brooklyn
Preferred Care at Mercer
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
St. Barnabas Hospital
We also donated to NYPD and other charity organizations:
84 Detective Squad
Bowery Mission
As of April 3, 2020, 1,839 NYPD employees tested positive and 7 members of the NYPD family die of coronavirus. We want to help! If you are a NYPD employee and would like to request surgical masks, please fill in the form below.
Medical Institutions and NYPD please fill out this form to accept PPE donations:
Testimony from Our Healthcare Professionals 一些医务人员陈述
I don’t know what happened in the early stage [of the outbreak], but many of my colleagues stopped coming to work... and many units had very few people working. They may have been infected and quarantined at home. After that, the hospital made a new rule: if [the medical professionals were] exposed in the containment area or infected, as long as we were experiencing no severe symptoms, we would still have to come to work. [Without the proper protective clothing and masks], it felt like being naked [with no protection at all].
First Goal 一期目标 - March 23
We have secured an order of 10,000 N95 masks, 20,000 surgical masks, and 350 Medical Protective Coveralls with an ETA to receive the masks by next week. The unit cost of each N95 mask is $3.6, for surgical mask is $0.39 and for Medical Protective Coverall - BH500 is $20.
We will require at least $20,000 on top of our existing fund to place this order. The initial order is expected to arrive in New York by April 3rd, 2020.
(As of March 26, 2020, we have reached our first goal of $20,000. With this funding, we placed our full order listed above. Thank you!)
Second Goal 二期目标 - March 27
Being in direct contact with medical care professionals and hearing their needs, we decide to purchase more protective coveralls in the following orders.
(As of April 11, 2020 we have reached our second goal of $50,000 and delivered 1954 protective gowns, among other PPE to hospitals in the NY Metropolitan area.)
Third Goal 三期目标 - April 12
After we reached the first two goals, with every dollar you donate, we will use it to buy more PPE for more doctors.
The good news is that medical masks supplies at major hospitals have improved. However, based on frontline's feedback, we are still facing shortages of protective gowns. Smaller hospitals and nursing homes are still in need of N95 masks. Therefore, our third goal is to purchase more protective gowns and bringing more N95 masks to smaller hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes in greater New York area.
Other Helps You Can Offer 所需其他帮助
If you have a car and want to volunteer to help us with NYC distribution you can e-mail Yvonne Zhou<[email redacted]> with a subject headline “N95forNYC Distribution Help”.
Our Medical Supplies and Qualifications 医疗物资及标准
Dasheng N95 Masks
Jinghong Surgical Masks
BIOSIS HEALING Medical Protective Coveralls - BH500
Kimberly Clark A60 Coveralls
Vinoguard 1 Protective Coveralls
Initiators and Supporting Organizations 发起人和支持机构
Mengtong Guan 关梦桐
Hansi Liao 廖汉斯
Lynn Hai 海良
Echo He 何雨
Serena Huang 黄桦
Camila Nichols
Liu Xin 刘昕
Fangan Xu 许方安
Vivien Yu 余小茜
Ying Zhou 周颖
Yvonne Zhou 周媛
Jessica Zhao 赵荣茜
Fou Gallery 否画廊
Beyond Chinatown
Follow Us 关注我们
Please follow us on social media to see donation updates and pictures of medical care professionals that you're helping.
Instagram @N95forNYC
Twitter @N95forNYC
Hashtag: #N95forNYC
Contact 联系方式
媒体联络 Press Contact: Liu Xin <[email redacted]>, Wechat: cynthialiuxin
捐赠联络 Donation Contact: Yvonne Zhou <[email redacted]>, Wechat: circlezhou
医疗机构联络 Healthcare Professionals Contact: Echo He <[email redacted]>, Wechat: echohenyu
On News - New York needs masks, gowns and ventilators 新闻汇总
“Fifty million surgical masks, 3 million N-95 respirators, 25 million gowns, gloves, and coveralls, and 15,000 ventilators: That’s the projected need for New York City’s hospitals and health care systems, according to Mayor Bill de Blasio” https://www.cityandstateny.com/articles/politics/new-york-city/new-york-needs-masks-gowns-and-ventilators-will-congress-come
“We are desperate”: Trump’s inaction has created a crisis with protective medical gear
Health workers battling Covid-19 now have to stretch their supplies in risky ways. https://www.vox.com/2020/3/22/21189896/coronavirus-in-us-masks-n95-respirator-doctors-nurses-shortage-ppe
"In the United States, there is a shortage of medical equipment. What’s going on?" https://www.nytimes.com/article/face-masks-coronavirus.html?auth=login-facebook
Updates from Us 更新日志
Please follow us on Instagram @N95forNYC for daily updates.
April 21, 2020
It has been almost a month since we started this mutual aid group. We have delivered the following PPEs to 39 institutions.
5767 N95 masks
1566 KN95 masks
11,830 surgical masks
2129 protective coveralls
1900 gloves
691 Face shields
60 shoe protectors
April 11, 2020
It's been 20 days since N95 for NYC started. This is what we have delivered so far. Many many more PPEs on the way!
3443 N95 masks
1566 KN95 masks
530 Surgical Masks
1954 Protective Gowns
1900 Gloves
60 Shoe protectors
200 Face Shields
April 7, 2020
Thank you Mount Sinai for the shout out, and thank you our frontline heroes for saving lives!
April 6, 2020
This is how we spent our weekend! Thank you delivery volunteers!
768 Protective Coveralls
1500 Gloves
120 Surgical masks
20 shoe protectors
And here is a short diary to share our days with you, because your donation made these delivery happen!
Saturday April 4th
1:30pm Pick up
2:10pm Deliver 3 boxes of protective coveralls to Elmhurst Hospital
3:00 pm Deliver 7 boxes of protective coveralls , 8 boxes (800) of gloves and 80 medical masks to NewYork-Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center,
3:40 pm Deliver 5 boxes of coveralls, 20 shoe protectors to Mount Sinai West Hospital
4:10 pm Deliver 2 boxes of coveralls, 5 boxes of gloves to Bronxcare Hospital Center
5:00 pm Deliver 4 boxes of coveralls to Montefiore Medical Center (Bronx)
Sunday April 5th
1:30 pm Pick up
2:40 pm Deliver 2 boxes of protective coveralls to Burke Rehab Hospital
3:30 pm Deliver 2 boxes of protective coveralls to Flushing Hospital Medical Center
4:30 pm Deliver 3 boxes of protective coveralls to Kings County Hospital and University Hospital of Brooklyn (SUNY Downstate)
5:15 pm Deliver 4 boxes of protective coveralls to NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
April 2, 2020
We added a few new hospitals to our list today! N95 for NYC team made deliveries of N95 masks, gloves and protective coveralls to Brookdale Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center and several other hospitals.
Here are some beautiful pictures sent back to us from heroes on the frontline, wearing the protective coveralls that we donated in the past few days.
March 30th, 2020
Making deliveries everyday! We sent 50 protective coveralls to NYU Langone Brooklyn and 25 protective coveralls to Nassau University Medical Center today, as well as masks deliveries all over the city - directly to the medical care professionals. Here are some happy faces :)
March 29th, 2020
You might have seen a picture of Mount Sinai West's nurses wearing trash bags as protection and the lack of medical supplies could be tied to death of the hospital's assistant nursing manager Kious Kelly (https://nypost.com/2020/03/25/worker-at-nyc-hospital-where-nurses-wear-trash-bags-as-protection-dies-from-coronavirus/) This is not acceptable!
Today N95 for NYC team delivered 250 protective coveralls to Mount Sinai West's ICU doctor, directly to their hands without bureaucracy.
In addition to Mount Sinai West, our team also delivers 100 protective coveralls to Mount Sinai East's ICU doctor.
P.S. thank to one of our kind donors who care about the safety of our team members and delivery volunteers, we received two protective coveralls for our own use (See pictures!). Care for each other. We're all in this together!
March 28th, 2020
N95 for NYC team is making deliveries in the rain tonight. Our teammates handed 250 protective coveralls to New York Presbyterian Queens ICU, NYU Langone Brooklyn Hospital and Healthland Medical Care.
While the bulk shipment is on its way to NYC, New Yorkers don’t sit and wait. Our team has been busy distributing available PPE to doctors and nurses on the frontline. These protective coveralls are donated by two charity organizations from China (Mai Te Gong Yi and Pu Gong Ying Gong Yi). Thank you for the donation!
March 27th, 2020
While our bulk supplies are on their way to NYC, our mutual aid group members already started actions: either coordinating small amounts of masks for doctors’ pick-up or mailing them directly to local doctors. Here are some snapshots and a doctor's kind note.
March 26th, 2020
Thank each and everyone of you, we have successfully placed the full order of 10,000 N95 masks, 20,000 surgical masks, and 350 Medical Protective Coveralls. They’re on their way to NYC!
Meanwhile as we get in touch with more and more frontline doctors and nurses as this campaign progresses, we learn devastating first-hand stories of this severe PPE shortage. We know we need to do more. Second shipment is in the planning stage. Please keep supporting us!
March 25th, 2020
Our first order of N95 masks, surgical masks and protective coverall has been placed and now on the way from three factories (located in Shanghai, Suzhou and Beijing) to warehouse in Shanghai; if the custom clears in time, supplies will reach the registered hospitals in NYC early next week.
Our 350 BIOSIS HEALING Medical Protective Coveralls - BH500 shipped from the factory in Beijing March 24th, 2020.