In Memory of Nicola Evans
Sadly our beautiful Nic Nic passed away on Thursday 7th January, 2021. We will be continuing to raise funds which will be donated to Nic's particularly rare & aggressive cancer so that more research can be done/trials can be done & support given to the families and patients affected by Small Cell, poorly differentiated Neuroendocrine Carcinomas. We also wish to thank you all from the bottoms of our hearts for supporting Nic's fundraising from day 1. Because of your kindness and contributions we were able to get Nicola to Germany for a short stint at the clinic for treatments, however, sadly her cancer had spread to 4 major organs before flying out & whilst there her pain was the worst it had been and so in fear that something bad would happen whilst in a foreign country & during a pandemic, we flew her straight home. Nic was excited to go back to Germany though (typical Nicola, she was ever the optimist ❤️) and so the remaining funds will all be going to Neuroendocrine cancer research.
Below is what I originally posted when we started this fundraising. I don't want to delete it all because I think it's important people who come across this page read it because there will be more and more families, like ours and like Nicola who will be diagnosed with this aggressive cancer & sadly, this will become their reality too. So for that reason, I won't remove all of her story and video.
Nicola was SO touched and overwhelmed by everyone's kindness, love & support and I know you often read "thank yous" but we really hope you all realise that it was a huge comfort and really lifted hers and our spirits to have all of that support so from Nic's family & mine.... Thank you. x
Original post...
Weʼre raising £50,000 to Help nicola get the specialist treatment she needs for her cancer. Her cancer is a high grade neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma.
Nicola can only have been described as "body goals", "Fitness lover", "The energiser bunny". Her energy for life, still now is pretty infectious and her desire to live & to help others is pretty awe inspiring.Nic was diagnosed with a very rare cancer just last May (2019). She was getting pain in her bottom, they checked an said all was fine. Still, the pain became worse and pretty excruciating so she went back in for more investigations. So determined & so in touch with her body, she remained awake during the procedure and guided them to the actual spot where they found a tiny 'half the size of your little nail' polyp type lesion. Tests showed it was in fact a Neuroendocrine Small Cell Carcinoma of very high grade - meaning very aggressive basically. How aggressive is scored based on the presence of a protein KI67. Nic's is 90%.
She had a huge surgery to remove her rectum, colon & anus and now she has a permanent stoma. They have also had to do work on the other areas around there (without going into too much detail) and Nic hasn't had an easy ride. She got sepsis and nearly died, a bowel blockage which required big surgery, fluid problems & each one required an emergency surgery. So to say it's been brutal, a roller coaster & terribly challenging is an understatement. Also, she's had chemo & very strong radiotherapy which until your own family member goes through we don't think we ever realised how hard it was for them and also us.
Her latest scan shows a 2cm mass on the ovary. Reduction from the previous scan in the area of her sacrum where it had shown a large mass there. Now, we wait on her latest scan. Results for that will be on Tuesday 6th October, 2020.
In the meantime nic has watched everything and anything, we have researched every single trial (nic isn't a candidate for any trials) every testimonial (her cancer is incredibly rare & even more rare where hers was found) absolutely everything you can think of. We found a team in the states that featured on the programme Radical Remissions - A programme about people who were given terminal diagnoses, short times to live but massively changed their way of living and are still here to tell the tale - against all odds.
Nic is now under their advisement as well as our conventional oncologists who have been absolutely amazing and nic wants to integrate both of them in an integrated approach to her treatment going forward. We have already spent thousands and thousands.
One of the treatments recommended is in Germany. As it stands right now with the information we have it costs a minimum of £50,000. Nic is constantly having extra treatments like her oxygen therapy, holistic therapies and the one in Germany is 4-6 weeks. The plan right now is to raise the money so that Nic can pick the treatment she wants without having to worry.
After many people asked about fund raising, when this possible treatment came up we thought now is a good time.
There will be lots of people being sponsored for runs, fun events, growing beards, shaving beards, doing all the weird and wonderful things we do to raise money for those we love & care about. Feel free to do the same, we already have so much love and support it's made such a difference to nic and her mindset, but as we know the next leg of her journey is going to be pretty challenging so knowing she can have whatever treatment she sees fit is going to massively help!
Thank you all so so so much. Thanks to those who pushed us to finally do this gofundme page. Nic is so loved im sure we'll make a big dent in the target!
Love you guys xxx
(The video filmed above was a promo for the Rutherford cancer clinic who have been amazing with Nic but unfortunately the cancer came back but we wanted to show you the video as we know sometimes people will come across this page without knowing nic or having met her so the video we think just shows you how beautifully special she is)x