Emergency Relocation Fund DV victim
Donation protected

I started this campaign for my friend, Nicole. Here is her story:
Nicole is a full time Clinical Social Worker and single mother of two amazing sons. Unfortunately, she is also a survivor of domestic violence and stalking. Nicole left her abuser in 2010 and dealt with two years of financial abuse, threats and stalking before he was finally held acountable. He has been incarcerated for the past 4 years for Aggravated Stalking and despite 4 different inmates from 3 separate facities coming forward over that time frame reporting that her abuser has attempted to hire them for her murder and 2 more inmates writing letters pleading for help stating that he often talks about how he will murder her and their children upon his release he is shockingly being released with no new charges in just a one short month.
Nicole and her family were confident that this most recent investigation would lead to new charges for her abuser and she and her family would remain safe. Unfortunately, Nicole just recently received news that the prosecutor in the county her abuser is being held was not willing to move forward with charges based on the evidence presented and testimony from another inmate even though this was the 4th inmate to come forward with very similar statements about how and when she would be murdered. This news has sent her and her family reeling as they were not expecting this outcome.
A safety planning meeting was recently held with local law enforcement due to her high lethality risk. Her county's SWAT team will be mapping her home, her home has been flagged as "high risk" for dispatch and she has been asked to provide dental records and finger prints for her and her children for identification purposes should something happen to them at the hands of her abuser or someone that he successfully hires to kill her. Despite this meeting happening Nicole knows that she and her children will not be safe staying in her current home or community as her abuser is familiar with where she lives and the area that she and her children frequent.
Prior to his incarceration her abuser was both physically and emotionally abusive towards her. He once held a gun to her head and told her all of the reasons that he should kill her, the next morning he made her apologize to him for “almost making him kill her.” He would often tell her that if she told anyone about his abuse or left him he would hunt her down like a dog no matter how far she went or how hard she tried to hide from him. He told her that once he found her he would slit her throat, disfigure her, paralyze her, murder her, etc... and that she would never live to see her children grow up.
Through his words and actions since she left him seven years ago her ex has made it clear that he intends to kill her upon his release from prison, and has attempted to hire several others to kill her so there is a very

high likelihood that he will continue to do so once he is released.
Nicole has requested assistance from the Attorney General; the parole board; DOC advocates; prosecutors involved in the case; detectives involved in the investigations; local, state and national domestic violence agencies; and anyone who will listen. No one has been able to help, and instead they have continuously referred her and her family members to different agencies.
She is left with no other recourse but relocation and identity changes for her family.
This is my ask:
Please donate to this campaign so funds can be raised to help Nicole and her children relocate safely and quickly. She will need to flee from a life she has worked hard to establish because she and her family are not being properly protected by our legal system. Starting over is expensive especially on a single mom’s salary. Sadly, she will be forced to change her identity, leave her job, home, extended family, friends and community support network. She will need money for relocation expenses, new housing, regular bills, gap time in employment as she searches for work and so many other unforeseen expenses. Nicole and her sons are relying on this campaign to help keep them afloat as they attempt to find a safe and happy new beginning during an incredibly stressful and dangerous time.
With heartfelt thanks,
Angie & Nicole
Direct Statements from police reports
2012- Inmate #1 (Washtenaw County Jail): Inmate reported that Nicole's ex approached him and offered $50,000 to “put her in the ground”. “That bitch put me in prison”. Plan discussed was to have Nicole "pistol whipped" or knocked out with chloroform and shot up with a lethal dose of heroin but to make it look like an accidental overdose. Nicole's ex indicated that the money used to pay him would be from a life insurance policy he had on his ex-wife.
2013- Inmate #2 (Jackson Prison): Inmate documented that Nicole's ex stated “I can’t wait to get out and kill that bitch. I’m going to kill the kids too. I’m going to get her and the kids together and kill the kids in front of her, make her watch and then I’m going to kill her slow”. I brought this to the prisons attention because I read about men getting out and killing their families. I didn’t want that to happen to that family when there was something I could have done to help them.
2013-Inmate #3 (Jackson Prison): Inmate documented that Nicole's ex was overheard stating that he was going to kill his wife because she put him in here. He also said he was going to kill the kids first and make her watch then kill her slowly. It been said that he has told a lot of prisoners here. I’m only saying something because I have kids too and I don’t want to see anything happen to them.
2013-Inmate # 4 (Detroit Re-entry): Inmate stated that Nicole's ex offered to pay him $50,000 in exchange for killing his ex-wife. He stated that her abuser was obsessed with her and would not talk about anything else.
2013-Inmate #5 (Detroit Re-entry Center): Inmate stated that her abuser offered them $50,000 to kill his ex-wife and her boyfriend. He stated he often heard her abuser telling people he wanted to kill his ex-wife.
2016/17- Inmate #6 (Newberry Prison): Inmate stated that Nicole's ex had approached him and asked what can $5,000 get you? Could you get someone to hurt somebody for that? It would be best at night because her boyfriend will be there. The inmate also shared that he discussed an alibi during the time of the crime and that a lethal heroine overdose would be the plan for killing "Nicole". He would frequently state that he can’t wait to get that F’ing Cunt.
For those of you asking who to contact regarding our case the best idea we have is Attorney General Bill Schuette as he seems to have the most power to do something at this time. Contact info: Email ([email redacted]) to consider Solicitation for Murder complaint #82-2095-16 Case name-Beverly. Also tweet #BevFam #B4its2late tweets to @SchuetteOnDuty.
Organizer and beneficiary
Angie Dunn
Ypsilanti, MI
Nik Be-lagyi